About Preorders Preorders provides a totally electronic means for orders to be entered and stored prior to the patient’s admission to a bed. The provider entering the order selects a date or date range that these orders can be used. A copy of these preorders is stored in StarPanel. Once the preorders are entered, a “p”alerts displays to the left of the patient name on the wiz stat screen and in the orders column on the inpatient. Dashboards were created as a communication tool for the health care team re: preorders. Once the patient is admitted to a bed, the preorders should be played back – usually by the MR or Charge nurse. Some orders such as chemo and research orders require an electronic approval by an attending in order to be played back – these will not show upfor play back until they are approved. There are 2 ways to enter preorders – through wiz( must be on a CWS) or through starpanel ( can be accessed via web version of heo/wiz on an AWS or from off site) Acessing PreOrders in WIZ/ HEOAccess PreOrders in StarPanel
Entering Preorders From the Manage Preorders Screen in either Heo / Wiz or Stapranel Web Wiz: Note :If Chemo or Research Category orders, an “approving attending” order must be placed. This order drives the alert to that attending that they will need to electronically approve the preorders.
Once the preorders are saved, approx 5 min later, alerts will be displayed on the inpt whiteboard and on the preorders dashboard. If chemo or research orders need attending approval, the attending will get an alert in starpanel – Note: Preorders can only be played back after attending electronic approval Viewing A Preorders Dashboard From the black menu in Starpanel 1. From dashboards, Click Preorders to expand the list 2.Click to select the dashboard to display Notice info displayed on the dashboard. Making Edits to Preorders