Welcome to Skylark and Sparrow Class Open evening
Outline What we do in class – routines Our topic this term – Where in the world? And Join me on a journey. What do you need to bring to school? SATs Home/School partnership
Morning Guided reading activities Mathematics (number; shape, space and measures; handling data) Literacy (stories, poems, non fiction writing)
Afternoon Phonics – (spelling patterns) Topic Quiet reading/ story time
Where in the world? We will be looking at where we live, and then finding out about different counties around the world. We will collect information using maps, books and the internet. In DT we will be looking at different landforms and then making our own island! We will also be making our own healthy snack based on food from Mexico In art we will be portraying world landscapes using different media.
What do we need to bring to school? PE kit (named) with outdoor trainers. Art apron (named). Reading book and reading record. Water bottle. Up to date asthma inhaler and care plan if needed. Maths homework will be given each Wednesday and needs to be returned before the following Monday. Skylark Class - Bedtime reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. Sparrow – Bedtime reading books are changed on Mondays.
Star Reading As we move through year 2, many of the children will start Star Reading. The children’s comprehension will be assessed and they will be given a level. The children will choose books from their level and compete quizzes – they should aim for 100% each time. The books may appear easier in terms of decoding, this is because the focus is on the comprehension.
What are SATs? Children are assessed in; Reading Writing Mathematics. In KS1 the emphasis is on teacher assessment, the tests support this judgement.
Tasks and Tests Assessment Area ReadingReading paper [Level 2] or [Level 3] WritingSpelling Test [All] Long task [All] Approx 45 mins Short task [All] Approx 30 mins MathsTest paper [Level 2] or [Level 3] Children can have help reading questions.
Teacher Assessment If children do not perform to best ability in test teacher assessment can be used. Children will not know that they are taking SATs, it will be done as subtly as possible.
What can you do to help? Read together every day and ask questions about the story. Use number problems in every day life. E.g. adding up money at the shops, telling the time and counting on the way to school in 2s, 5s and 10s. Keep a diary of activities that you do at the weekend to encourage writing. Remind the children to read back their work. We welcome helpers in school if you are CRB checked.
Dates coming up. Harvest Festival –30 th September at The Free Church. Parent appointments – 6 th and 7 th November. Nativity – week beginning 9 th December.
Thank you for your time any questions?