Learning the Unknown, From the Known Our database stores over 8 million records and it gets bigger every day. It automatically updates each night by 9:30 pm EST. Over 300 programs I wrote, combine to deliver this exclusive, never before seen data, that is created from what we do know. I assure you, it IS real! The Green, Red, Orange, Yellow & Blue Flag alerts are NOT signals. I named them alerts intentionally as a means of alerting investors to unusual volume activity that may warrant further investigation, while providing some guidance of whether it seems positive or negative based on multiple factors. While I believe in it with 100% certainty, I must admit candidly that as a new science, as a form of technical volume analysis being born now and entering its infancy, that it should be used as a tool with long-standing and well-proven fundamental and technical analysis resources Due diligence cannot be replaced by any system. I encourage you to ask a professional advisor if unsure of any information presented here, or drop me a line via for any clarification needed:
Learning the Unknown, From the Known Lastly, It has taken many years to develop this system, which was not possible before Since then, I have to my knowledge been the only pioneer in this field, and I have strived to make sure the data is accurate and that it is presented in an easy to understand form that everyone can benefit from. You will come to know as I have, why Wall Street does not make current and daily short data available, which is exactly what I have provided here I believe it has the potential to not only improve your chances of being a more successful, advisor, trader, analyst, journalist, student, teacher and/or investor. Though still in its infancy, it offers without emotion, ideas based on solid facts that were only granted to the elite, It has the potential to prevent catastrophic losses that seem to occur far too frequently, to those of us that did not know what insiders knew, who profit from the losses of those of us that did not know until it was too late. It allows “us” to see what “they” are doing.. It levels the field for everyone.
Investors have ignored stock volume for at least 100 years. Volume is so important that every major financial publication reports the number, daily. Some offer the average volume as well, although most give no inclination of what the average is based on. The most typical visualization of volume data, are volume bars that appear below stock price charts, which serve little purpose other than to fill empty space The Past 100 Years
Total Volume or Total B/S? Total volume is ignored, because it was assumed that for every buyer, there was a seller, which was true at one time. For liquidity purposes; meaning to provide a market even if none exists; a market maker or broker dealer can short any number of shares to satisfy a customer order. High frequency trading programs buy, sell and sell short millions of shares through multiple stock exchanges each day. The volume reported each day is made up of open trade volume (public exchanges), dark pool volume, short volume and short exempt volume, from over 30 exchanges/markets in the U.S…(not just the NASDAQ & New York Stock Exchange.)
Total Volume or Total B/S?
Learning the Unknown, From the Known The first search result you’ll see Is a Combi- chart overlaying the closing price with the open & total short percentage results.. more later To the right a basic, yet functional candlestick chart of daily price activity, simply as a matter of convenience.
Learning the Unknown, From the Known A convenient search box is provided to search other tickers from the same page. A recent performance / history table makes for an easy reference and starting point. The dates in this table coincide by numbers 1-5 with all other tables below. If you wanted to know only Jan 14, 2015 information labeled “1”, simply note that every table to follow labeled “1” is referencing Jan 14, 2015 Any FLAG Alerts if triggered will be listed here due to their potential urgency.
Learning the Unknown, From the Known Scroll down, and on the left side of the page is a breakdown of the most recent daily volume, including short volume and dark pool volume; visualized by a pie and bar chart. Mouse over any of the charts and data will pop up. The two line charts of the right side offer a look at how short volume is trending in percentages. Below both you will see our recent datasets that our chart information is sourced from
Learning the Unknown, From the Known Scroll down again, and you’ll find the dark pool charts and tables, as well as other comparisons of data such as spreads Complete daily datasets will be available soon, also, with conditions of course. There will be other charts and time frames available in the next week or so, and links will be added to them as they are input to the site. Now Let’s See It Work!
A MORE Visible Market? There were 13 public and 22 private stock exchanges known as dark pools when I began this project. There are now just 10 public stock exchanges in the U.S. Just this week, BATS Trading absorbed Direct Edge. Combined the two account for 4 of the remaining 10 U.S public exchanges. In reality the four are reduced to one. Dark Pools will, have and are expected to continue to increase in number. ARCA was taken over by a European outfit last month, and immediately stopped reporting short volume as its U.S. owned predecessor had. CBSX & NSX closed their doors, last year. Those that operate and trade in Dark Pools are given an advantage in knowing what everyone else is doing, while being afforded secrecy in what they do.
Who Wants Pie? Because Dark Pools, while unregulated, report TOTAL trade volume each day, just as public exchanges do, we are able to determine the dark pool volume of each stock, each day. known total daily volume - known public exchange volume = ‘Dark Pool Volume’ We gain valuable information in an instant. Especially as it relates to short volume. Visibility is gained by watching for changes in dark pool volume.
Who Wants Pie? The majority of dark pool volume comes from pre-borrowing requirements on short sales. Short volume and dark pool volume, should (in theory) cancel each other out. The overlap of one or the other provides insight as to where the total volume came from on any given day. This is our baseline to determine if higher Short Volume or Dark Pool Volume is in play. The picture becomes even clearer when tracked over time.
Total Volume or Total B/S? By offering a range of defined averages, volume trends become easy to spot…for all of our data.
Looks Can be Deceiving Red Flag Alert VS Green Flag Alert
First Glance: ACM
Volume down overall past 180 days, sudden surge of late.
First Glance: ACM
First Glance: LMCA Trend: flat
First Glance: LMCA
… MUCH more to come…... end lesson 1