N ATIONALLY D RIVEN C HANGE Fundamental Deep All levels All Schools Nationally Degrees of uncertainty National Curriculum, GCSEs, Grades, Levels, School Measures
N O LEVELS Not quite…. Yr 9 came in with KS2 Levels KS2 Levels remain for a couple of years Current year 6 are the last Good assessment remains good assessment The names may be changed Phased change, evolution Fully communicated
N EW GCSE S More rigorous More challenging More knowledge More exams! English Language and Literature Maths All others are courses we currently run
N UMBER GRADES *A-G will be replace by numbers 1-9 for confirmed GCSEs 9 is the highest and is higher than a current A* 5 Is likely to be the new international benchmark – equivalent to a high C / Low B
HIAS – Chris Martin 2014
T HRESHOLD TO P ROGRESS 5*A – C With English and Maths Progress 8 Still will be a ‘threshold’ – progress for all is the focus
Y EAR ON Y EAR C HANGE HIAS – Chris Martin 2014
O PTIONS P ROCESS The options process for year 9 will be largely unchanged Parents consultation and Interim Report prior to the process Interim focussed on ‘Dispositions’ Formal examinations at the end of the year
G REATER EMPHASIS ON DISPOSITIONS 2 Billion people on the Internet Facebook and twitter are the 3 rd and 6 th biggest ‘countries’ Digital info will increase by 4x by 2020 Top 25% of IQs in China and India is more people that the population of the US! BY the age of 38 1 in 2 will be in a job that they have had for less than 5 years The top ten in demand jobs today, did not exist 10 years ago… Neither did the technologies they use! We have to prepare students to solve problems that don’t yet exist We are living in exponential times…who did we ask before google? The best preparation for a changing world will be to develop the skills as well as the knowledge to deal with a changing world As well as promoting academic excellence Promoting and reporting on the dispositions necessary to prepare for an uncertain future
A SSESSMENT Outcome driven – that is what has the most certainty Will be developing over the year Will be communicated with every assessment output Will always be given in old and new money
R EPORTING – C HANGES – F EEDBACK - T ARGETS The timings of reports and parents evenings will link with the timing of decisions e.g. parents evening at the end of year 8 with a subsequent evening in year 9 prior to Options Targets will now be set for the end of school, emphasising outcomes Different year groups are at different stages of change - information will not always be the same