Dry matter partitioning What is it ? How is it measured ? For what ? Source & sink relationship
Dry matter distribution or partitioning Biomass or dry matter Y biol. Economic yield Y econ. Dry matter allocation or distribution Harvest Index Ear Translocation Photosynthate Stem or shooot Root
Source - Sink relationship Flower , Seed, Fruit Stem, Root SOURCE Leaves Reproductive / Vegetative growth Photosynthesis / Light interception
Dry matter distribution or partitioning ระหว่าง organ ในต้นพืช เช่นใบ ลำต้น ดอก ผล หรือ ราก ระหว่างเซลล์ หรือเนื้อเยื่อ ในส่วนอวัยวะพืช เช่น supporting cells กับ meristematic cell (tissue) ระหว่าง orgenel ในเซลล์พืช สามารถอธิบายได้ด้วยสัดส่วน (Dry weight ratio or %) หรือ สัมประสิทธิของการกระจายน้ำหนักแห้ง ( h : partitioning coefficient)
hl, hs, hr What does it mean ? Ability of plant to accumulate Photosynthate in a particular part (each has specific function and value) Mechanism of plant in response to certain environment
Translocation of Photosynthate Can be measured by using radioisotope eg. 14C , 13C 12 , 15N 32P Hydrolytic pressure gradient depend on activity and size of supply (SOURCE) and demand (SINK)
SOURCE - SINK relationship Translocation Feedback inhibition STRENGTH / CAPACITY SIZE x ACTIVITY Absolute rate of change in Wl STRENGTH / CAPACITY SIZE x ACTIVITY Absolute rate of change in Wg
Potential Source Capacity LAI LAID, leaf longivity Increase light interception Extinction coefficient of canopy Increase Photosynthesis rate
Potential Sink Capacity Reprodutive phase Flowering bud initiation No. of flower developed to be a fruit No. of fully developed fruit Fruit size Rate of fruit or seed growth
Vegetative growth vs Reproductive growth Do vegetative growth enhance SOURCE SIZE ??? depend on Dry matter partitioning (Dry Weight Ratio or Partitioning coefficient) high LWR ie. ability to produce more PHOTOSYNTHATE at an expense of Root or Stem weight, but ability to find water or minerals may be reduced or less ability to flower
Reproductive stage Flower, fruit or seed are ACTIVE SINK HI = Yecol. / Y biol. Distribution index = Change in Y ecol. / Change in Y biol. after anthesis
Reproductive stage Current Photosynthate Storage Photosynthate Remobilization EAR 1 st SOURCE SINK 2 nd ROOT
Yield components Size of the SINK Nr, No. of reproductive unit Ng, No. of grain per reproductive unit Wg, Grain weight each component is determined at different times of vegetative and reproductive stages
Application in crop production SOURCE or SINK LIMIT ?? ALTER SOURCE Defoliation Shading Thining Light suppliment, Pruning Fetilizer Weed control
Application in crop production ALTER SINK Root pruning Deflowering or debuding Fruit thinning Watering and Fertilizer application
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