Meet the Teacher 2012 Karaka Syndicate
Classes Welcome to the 2012 school year!!! Room 7 – Mrs Chrissie Clarke – Year 3 Room 6 – Miss Kelly Steward – Year 3&4 Room 5 – Mrs Tiana Farrell – Year 3&4 We are lucky to have Mrs Michele Gregg working in Room 5 each Thursday (Beginning Teacher release). Mrs Teri Taylor works in Room 6 and Room 7 (Management release).
Purpose of Meet the Teacher To introduce the teaching staff. To go over our school vision and values. To discuss syndicate routines. To share our expectations.
Bell Times The bag bell goes at 8:45am. It is ideal if children are here at this time to allow them to enter the classroom and have time to get prepared for the day ahead. Children should not be arriving at school prior to 8am as we cannot guarantee teacher supervision. School finishes at 3pm.
Buses We have Bus 1A, 1B, 2 and 3. All buses except Bus 3 leave straight after school. Children going on Bus 3 are to wait on the front courts. Any changes to buses need to be made by contacting the office. Bus issues and safety.
Our Goals and Expectations Developing children’s independence: -packing their own bag (lunch, homework, togs, library books…) -knowing how they are getting home after school -sound work habits (settling to work quickly and quietly, completing all set tasks, understanding more about their learning, staying on task…) Developing responsibility: -returning homework on time, looking after their jumpers and shoes, handing in notes and permission slips, taking notices home, helping with jobs around the classroom, owning their action and behaviour…
School Vision and Values RICH Values Respect Inclusion Care Honesty Powerful Learner Traits Taking Risks Persevere Make Connections Ask Questions Reflect
Behaviour We follow our RICH values and have high expectations of how children will work and behave. The Karaka Syndicate follows the Green Card system. We have a Green Card reward each term for children who have maintained a high level of behaviour all term. The Thinking Room is used for serious playground and classroom incidents.
Routines Getting ready before school. Getting back to class promptly after breaks. Having what they need when they need it. Listening when the teacher is talking. Following instructions. Getting themself ready for each lesson. Helping pack up and keep the classroom tidy.
Homework Time Allowances: Homework should take up to 30 minutes (including minutes of reading). Hand In Dates: Most homework is issued on Monday and due on Friday. Class teachers will advise more information. Difficulties: Children shouldn’t be battling with homework. Please see your child’s teacher if there are any problems. Completion: We expect that children will take home, complete and return all set homework tasks. We want to develop routine. Coverage: Homework mostly consists of reading, spelling and maths. There may be topic activities or projects included at times.
Classroom Programmes Testing will be carried out over the next four weeks to establish where children are at. At this time of the year it is important for teachers and children to get to know each other and complete related activities. We are keen to get regular programmes up and running. This does take time as the children get used to how things are to be done.
Topics Our Deep Understanding Topic is Identify – Me, My Family, My School and My Community. Swimming – Children are expected to participate, just as they are in other curriculum areas. A note is necessary if children are to be excused. EOTC – Sonshine Ranch, GymSport, Kariotahi Beach or Clarks Beach. A note is coming asap.
Other Information Sport will be on Monday and will start after swimming finishes. Children need a change of t-shirt for sport and fitness. All classes visit the library on Tuesday. Any readers or journals sent home must be returned the next day as these are often in short supply and are needed for follow-up activities or other groups.
Class Wiki Pages Wiki pages were started last year. These provide parents (and other family members) with access to class information. These will be up and running again soon – Putting information on wiki pages can be quite time consuming but we feel it is valuable. This year we are aiming to have more children’s work on the wikis. Cyber Safety agreements will be checked soon. Importance of Cyber Safety.
Ways to help Help to get homework completed and returned. Ensure the office has up to date contact details. Let teachers know if there is an issue that is affecting your child (health, family situation, learning difficulty…). Send money along in a named envelope. Collect Yummy stickers. Keep up to date by checking the weekly school newsletter and wiki pages. Send along ice-cream containers, scrap paper, coloured paper, newspaper…
Contacting Us Please feel free to contact us when necessary. Before school is a very busy time where teachers are preparing for the day and talking with children. The best way is to send along a note or send an or phone the office.