Madison Right Start Initiative
Madison's Growing 2004 Students attending: 4, Students attending: 4, Students attending: 5, Students attending: 5, Students attending: 6, Students attending: 6,103 Transportation 2011 Reported to ADE 226,587 miles 226,587 miles 6100Academic and vocational 6100 Academic and vocational 4761 Contracted miles 4761 Contracted miles Resources Resources 30 buses 30 buses 18 full time and 7 part time drivers 18 full time and 7 part time drivers
Ongoing Issues √ Safety √ Students Dropped Off in Morning Before Adequate Supervision √ Drivers Rushed to Complete Route and Get to Next School for Pick-up √ Students Wait for Buses at Dismissal √ Transportation Unable to Timely Meet After-School Busing Needs
School Start/End Time Process Review Changes to School Times 2010/ 2011 Park and Camelview Change to Scool Times May 2011 Met with Principals and Site-Based Managementt Teams October 2011 Board Information Item 11/15/11 Informational Session & PTO Luncheon Created and Evaluated Multiple Potential Start/End Time Scenarios July – September 2011 Start End Park From 7:30 to 8:30 CV From 8:45 to 8:00 Board Action 12/6
Parameters for Solution √ Academic Minutes Remain The Same √ Elementary – 6 Hours 45 Minutes √ Middle School – 7 Hours 10 Minutes √ Efficiency √ Route design – minimize time on bus, number of stops √ Utilization of driver time √ Use of Current Resources
Present Start Times Start Stop Early TCT Start Stop Early TCT Heights:7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Heights:7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Buses 5 Meadows:7:50 3:00 11:20 1:20 Meadows:7:50 3:00 11:20 1:20 Buses 9 MTA:8:00 3:00 11:35 1:30 MTA:8:00 3:00 11:35 1:30 Buses 0 Camelview:8:00 2:45 11:15 1:15 Camelview:8:00 2:45 11:15 1:15 Madison #1:8:00 3:10 11:35 1:35 Madison #1:8:00 3:10 11:35 1:35 Buses 12 Buses 12 Park:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 Buses 5 Park:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 Buses 5 Rose Lane:8:45 3:35 12:00 2:00 Rose Lane:8:45 3:35 12:00 2:00 Simis:8:45 3:35 12:00 2:00 Simis:8:45 3:35 12:00 2:00 Buses 14 *Meadows, #1, Park, Rose Lane and Simis use 35 Buses in 40 minutes Kindergarten Start Stop Early TCT Heights:7:45 1:45 11:00 12:15 Camelview:8:00 2:00 11:15 12:30 Rose Lane: 8:45 2:45 12:00 1:15 Simis AM:8:45 11:35 10:10 11:00 Simis PM: 12:40 3:30 12:00 2:00 Buses 14 Heights Pre School Mon – Thu, TCT Friday AM Program 9:00 11:15 PM Program 12:15 2:30 Buses 4 Underlined indicates same bus used On TCT days 39 buses used in 40 minutes because Heights pre-school does not participate in TCT Wednesday.
Right Start Initiative Start Stop Early TCT Rose Lane: 7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Rose Lane: 7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Simis: 7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Simis: 7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Heights: 7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Heights: 7:45 2:30 11:00 1:00 Buses 19 MTA:8:00 3:00 11:35 1:30 MTA:8:00 3:00 11:35 1:30 Buses 0 Camelview:8:00 2:45 11:15 1:15 Camelview:8:00 2:45 11:15 1:15 Buses 5 Meadows:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 Meadows:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 #1:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 #1:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 Park:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 Park:8:30 3:40 12:05 2:10 Buses 21 Buses 21 Kindergarten Start Stop Early TCT Camelview:8:00 2:00 11:15 12:30 Heights:7:45 1:45 11:00 12:15 Rose Lane: 7:45 1:45 11:00 12:15 Simis AM:7:45 10:35 9:10 10:00 Simis PM: 11:40 2:30 11:00 1:00 Buses 14 Heights Pre School TCT Wednesday AM Program 9:00 11:15 PM Program 12:15 2:30 Buses 1 * Underlined indicates same bus used
Where We Are Now Study Traffic Flow at Simis Study Traffic Flow at Simis Collaboration with MAC Collaboration with MAC Consolidation of Bus Stops Consolidation of Bus Stops Revisit Earlier Start for Middle/Later for Elementary Revisit Earlier Start for Middle/Later for Elementary