Arietta’s E-Portfolio
-Goals/Curriculum goals for term 3 -Habits of Mind -Literacy -Maths -Social Science/Unit Study -Science -Physical Education -Art/Production -I.C.T -Reflections
Written Language Goal: To try and be more creative in my writing. -I will achieve this goal by thinking more expressively and more energetically. Mathematic Goals- To try and proceed a higher level. -I will achieve this goal by studying hard and working really good in class Literacy Goal- To try and achieve reading tasks and reading logs so that my tasks will be up to date. -I will achieve this goal by taking my reading tasks and reading logs home so that I can complete them in time. Long Term Goals- Is to try and get my honours badge before the end of this term -I will achieve this goal by working extra hard and looking after my card. Written Language Goal- To complete all written language tasks that I get in the morning so that I don’t miss my break. -To achieve this goal would have to get to school early. Mathematics Goal- To try and get higher AsTTle test result for this Term -To achieve this goal I would have to really focus on maths. Literacy Goal- To make a effort to bring my Literacy homework everyday until the end of this Term -To achieve this goal I would have to remember to do my homework and remember to put it in my bag Long Term Goal- To try and get my doubles honours badge. - I will achieve this goal by behaving anywhere else in the school including the classroom.
My Habits of Mind My Acrostic Poem
For literacy we do -Reading tasks -Reading logs -Written Language -And much more
My learning pathway’s
For Social Science/ Unit Study we are doing Consumerism and trade in the changing and challenging economic environment. We are also learning the differences between GOODS and SERVICES. And the differences between NEEDS and WANTS.
My Science Fair Project
The sports we do when we have Syndicate sports are: VolleyBall Rugby Hoopla DodgeBall ChairBall Castle
For Art/Production all of us students get split up into groups and work in those groups for the whole term. Some groups are Production group and the NON production groups.
For I.C.T, we are doing our Trade expo things on the computer in the wiz wizards suite.
Maori Trade Expo reflection Year8 syndicate Trade Expo reflection