Faculty of Health and Social Care Introducing STUDY for international students
The module | 2 A unit of study (a ‘course’) Has its own module leader, module teaching team Has an assessment in the Assessment Period at the end of the semester Is worth a number of credits (typically 20) There are 120 credits in each year of a BSc There are 180 credits in each year of post graduate study You can find the modules here:here 1/continuingprofessionaldevelo/standalonemod ules.aspx
Levels of study | 3 4First year of BSc 5Second year of BSc 6Third year of BSc 7Post graduate certificate, diploma or MSc 8PhD
Assessment | 4 Each module is assessed differently. Assessments can be: An examination An essay A project Almost anything else!
Module leaders are nice! | 5 Meet your module leader Discuss the module Discuss the assessment Get to know each other Don’t be a stranger!
The library | 6 Get to know the library Ask a librarian! Librarian’s are nice!
Hull is a good university, BUT … | 7 There’s a downside: The course is tough We expect you to work Be committed to the course You must attend the classes You must be on-time We expect you to contribute to the classes
Study UK-style | 8 We value analysis more than knowledge You must write in good English You will probably need a professional proof-reader You get marks for the points (arguments) you make and how convincing they are You don’t get many marks for describing (knowing) things. We want you to think We want you to have original ideas Convince us of something! So you can advance nursing and tell others what you have achieved
You see … | 9 It’s not enough to be skilled if you can’t teach others your skills It’s not enough to know if you can’t publish what you know so others can learn It’s not enough to say you know, you need to open up your ‘knowledge’ to peer review Nursing is yours It is YOUR responsibility Change nursing, make it better and tell others what you have done PUBLISH
So you need to write | 10 Professionally In good English Using an accepted academic style Good enough to be published! Because you are a professional You are responsible for nursing everywhere and not just your shift, not just your patient! Because you are a professional You are responsible for nursing everywhere and not just your shift, not just your patient!
Not just an essay | 11 Make it a good essay Make it something someone would want to read, would enjoy reading It takes a long time to write an essay It takes a lot of work It is not easy Take responsibility; it’s YOUR essay Give it plenty of time Give it plenty of effort Make it great!
Study Help | 12 The University of Hull Study Skills Team Study Skills Team
Language help | 13 The language learning centrelanguage learning centre
Your peers | 14 Use your fellow students Get together to discuss module content, essays etc. Book a discussion room in the library Your peers are a huge potential resource Don’t exclude the opposite sex, work together