External Memberships and Non-Government Organization Partnerships GEMI October 2002 Benchmarking Survey Laura Bradford & George Nagle Bristol-Myers Squibb.


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Presentation transcript:

External Memberships and Non-Government Organization Partnerships GEMI October 2002 Benchmarking Survey Laura Bradford & George Nagle Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

External Memberships - Top 10 Business Organizations

External Memberships - Top Business Organizations

External Memberships - Top 10 EHS Interest Groups

External Memberships - Top EHS Interest Groups

External Memberships - Top 10 Trade Associations

External Memberships - Top Trade Associations

The average GEMI member EHS group belongs to 11 sustainability organizations, EHS interest groups and/or trade associations.

What are the most important considerations in determining which organizations you belong to or partner with?

Value for Resources Networking Best Practices Knowledge Share Knowledge Public Policy Development Regulatory Impact Marquee Value Type of Value Provided

How do you leverage the information you get from your involvement?

Ways To Leverage Information Internal Communications Staff Meetings Emerging Issue Groups Share with Teams/Project Head Newsletters External Communications Conferences Sustainability or Annual Report Local Print Media Web site Advocacy Newsletters

Are your company EHS/sustainability memberships funded through a single budget/individual?

If not, are they coordinated? Overall, 79% of GEMI companies responding coordinate memberships in some way.

What is your estimate (+/- 20%) for your annual membership dues and fees for these types of EHS organizations? Average: $218,000/year

What is your estimate (+/- 20%) of your company’s fulltime equivalent internal man-days invested in participating in these EHS organizations? Average: 58 man days

Predict the degree of your company’s participation and investment in membership in these types of organizations three years from now. 83% - The same or more

At the corporate level, are you currently partnering with NGOs on specific EHS projects/programs?

If Yes, please list each project: *Each is addressed independently.

What do you feel are the most significant benefits of business/NGO partnerships?

What do you feel are the main drawbacks of business/NGO collaborations?

What do you feel is the biggest barrier to business forming collaborations with NGOs to work on EHS projects?

Do you envision your company actively engaged in a business/NGO collaboration in three years from now?

Does your company have a specific practice that you feel is important to maximizing the business value of your activities in outside organizations and/or with business/NGO partnerships?

Other comments regarding this topic? I would be interested in ways companies measure value received. I am looking forward to examples of positive partnerships. Although we have no current corporate partnering with NGOs, we have in the past collaborated with an NGO to set up and maintain some wetland areas which was very positive for both groups. Is there a greater role for GEMI to play in fostering relationships with NGOs? It appears that there is a real opportunity to both “right size” the number of memberships and better formalize a system for sharing EHS information from memberships within my company. Pressure will continue to increase to minimize participation in outside organizations.

Bonus Question! Interested volunteers to help with benchmarking surveys. David Seep (BNSF Railway) Carol Cala (Eastman Kodak) Elsie Rivera Palabrica (Abbott) We should keep it at 1. Thank You!