Sustainability Review of Central and Wan Chai Harbourfront Project Proposal Submitted to Harbourfront Enhancement Committee By Citizen Harbour
Contents Why Sustainability Review? Why Sustainability Review? Definition of Sustainability Review Definition of Sustainability Review SR of Central and Wan Chai Harbourfront SR of Central and Wan Chai Harbourfront ObjectivesObjectives PrinciplesPrinciples MethodologyMethodology Work ProgrammeWork Programme BudgetBudget Conclusion Conclusion
Why Sustainability Review? Inadequacies of an Engineering Review: Reclamation more than a piece of engineering work Inadequacies of an Engineering Review: Reclamation more than a piece of engineering work C H’s Citizen Hearing Independent Panel Report, December 2003: an integrated planning for quality of life through an inclusive and participatory consensus building process C H’s Citizen Hearing Independent Panel Report, December 2003: an integrated planning for quality of life through an inclusive and participatory consensus building process
Why Sustainability Review? Quality of life: more than infrastructure and functionality, also should be: Quality of life: more than infrastructure and functionality, also should be: Aesthetically soundAesthetically sound Environmentally friendlyEnvironmentally friendly People friendlyPeople friendly Regards for our future generationsRegards for our future generations Therefore, beyond engineering review of our Victoria Harbour: A SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW Therefore, beyond engineering review of our Victoria Harbour: A SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW
Definition of a Sustainability Review (SR) Systematically examines policies, programmes or projects under the light of : Systematically examines policies, programmes or projects under the light of : Socio-economicSocio-economic EnvironmentalEnvironmental Institutional aspectsInstitutional aspects Requires the full understanding and active participation of different stakeholders in assessing impacts Requires the full understanding and active participation of different stakeholders in assessing impacts
Aspects of Scope Attributes and Factors Economic Income Income Employment effects (person-years) Employment effects (person-years) Other quantifiable effects Other quantifiable effects Non-quantifiable effects Non-quantifiable effects Government finances (Budget and net revenue impacts) Government finances (Budget and net revenue impacts) Environmental Flora & fauna (biodiversity / urban ecology / conservation) Flora & fauna (biodiversity / urban ecology / conservation) Land Land Renewable/non-renewable resources Renewable/non-renewable resources Water (surface/ground) Water (surface/ground) Air Air Noise Noise Climate Climate Visual landscape Visual landscape Visual amenity Visual amenity Open space & recreation Open space & recreation Pollution (air, water, noise, solid wastes, toxic substance) Pollution (air, water, noise, solid wastes, toxic substance) Land impacts: area potentially affected Land impacts: area potentially affected Utilities Utilities Transportation (linkages) Transportation (linkages) Telecommunications Telecommunications Buildings and sites Buildings and sites Risk/hazard Risk/hazard Social / Community Population Population Service impacts: education, social security, housing, transportation, mobility, accessibility, etc. Service impacts: education, social security, housing, transportation, mobility, accessibility, etc. Impact on identity and sense of belonging Impact on identity and sense of belonging Health and hygiene Health and hygiene Cultural & heritage impacts Cultural & heritage impacts The impacted communities, e.g. current owners/occupiers, users of site, The impacted communities, e.g. current owners/occupiers, users of site, employees, tourists, visitors, NGOs, etc. employees, tourists, visitors, NGOs, etc. The functional community, e.g. developer/ financier The functional community, e.g. developer/ financier The administrative community, e.g. the Government and Departments The administrative community, e.g. the Government and Departments including the planning authorities including the planning authorities The community of the whole city The community of the whole city The public interest, e.g. taxpayers The public interest, e.g. taxpayers
Objectives of SR of Central and Wan Chai Harbourfront To implement HEC’s objective: To implement HEC’s objective: “Advise on means to enlist greater public involvement in the planning and design of the harbour-front areas” “Advise on means to enlist greater public involvement in the planning and design of the harbour-front areas” To undertake Preliminary SR of harbourfront design, planning and development To undertake Preliminary SR of harbourfront design, planning and development To scrutinise Preliminary SR with value and option inputs from general public To scrutinise Preliminary SR with value and option inputs from general public
To provide an open Participation Programme for the public to be informed, participate and contribute To provide an open Participation Programme for the public to be informed, participate and contribute To deliver a mechanism for consensus building with multi-stakeholder involvement To deliver a mechanism for consensus building with multi-stakeholder involvement To identify fundamental principles, key objectives and strategies and options with and for general public to act as basis to review and revise plans and engineering proposals To identify fundamental principles, key objectives and strategies and options with and for general public to act as basis to review and revise plans and engineering proposals Objectives of SR of Central and Wan Chai Harbourfront
Principles of SR on Central and Wan Chai Harbourfront Inclusive and participatory consensus building process Inclusive and participatory consensus building process Integrated planning for better quality of life Integrated planning for better quality of life Fair gain for all Fair gain for all Single accountability principle Single accountability principle Precautionary Principle Precautionary Principle Subsidarity Principle Subsidarity Principle
Methodology – Stage 1 Stage 1: Understanding the Current Context and Preliminary Sustainability Review Government: Information on technical constraints of the project Professionals: Sustainability review of current context Preliminary Sustainability Review of the Project: Briefing Materials in laymen terms for consultation
Participatory Review through Various Participation Programmes: Preliminary Charrettes Advanced Charrettes One-day Town Meeting (800 participants) (Lower Manhattan Development Corporation Model ) Briefing, Education & Dialogue Sessions: digestion of information & review of briefing materials by different stakeholders District-based briefing & dialogue sessions with participatory events such as site visits & games, with aids of visualization tools, e.g. model-making, etc.. Briefing Materials for Participation Programmes Stage 2: Participatory Programmes for Sustainability Review A Report on proposed principles, guidelines, strategies and options for the Harbourfront design, planning and development
3-D Visualisation
Public Deliberation in Lower Manhattan after 911 Creation of Lower Manhattan Development Corporation Creation of Lower Manhattan Development Corporation to demonstrate the adoption of a deliberative process successful in bringing together various stakeholders of conflicting interests and views to undergo a process of scrutiny and modifications to reach agreementsto demonstrate the adoption of a deliberative process successful in bringing together various stakeholders of conflicting interests and views to undergo a process of scrutiny and modifications to reach agreements “Listening to the City” “Listening to the City” “Imagine New York” “Imagine New York” Source: ningtotheCity.jpg
Structure of LMDC
Significance of LMDC Well represented organization structure Well represented organization structure Innovative method of deliberation Innovative method of deliberation Collaborations and coordination with Coalitions Collaborations and coordination with Coalitions Establishment of an Extensive Public Outreach programme Establishment of an Extensive Public Outreach programme Consolidation of Public Participation Experience Consolidation of Public Participation Experience
Institutional Arrangement for Sustainability Review Steering Group: HEC Government Government departments Commissioned consultants Professionals/ other organizations General Public (Principles, guidelines, preliminary strategies and options)
Work Programme From August 2004 – April 2005, 9 months in total: From August 2004 – April 2005, 9 months in total: Preparatory Stage – 2.5 monthsPreparatory Stage – 2.5 months Pursuit of support (finance, professional) Pursuit of support (finance, professional) Employment, Steering Committees, Promotion Employment, Steering Committees, Promotion Stage 1: Preliminary Sustainability Review monthsStage 1: Preliminary Sustainability Review months Stage 2 : Participatory Programmes for Sustainability Review – 3 monthsStage 2 : Participatory Programmes for Sustainability Review – 3 months Documentation Stage – 1 monthDocumentation Stage – 1 month Completion and dissemination of the Report Completion and dissemination of the Report
Budget A total of $1.5 million A total of $1.5 million Manpower: $520,000Manpower: $520,000 Direct Costs (Printing, Photocopying, events organization) : $ 505,000Direct Costs (Printing, Photocopying, events organization) : $ 505,000 Technical Expenses (task specific employment) : $475,000+Technical Expenses (task specific employment) : $475,000+
Conclusion Providing an alternative to the conventional approach of the Review conducted Providing an alternative to the conventional approach of the Review conducted Demonstrating a participatory and sustainable approach to planning and designing part the Harbour area Demonstrating a participatory and sustainable approach to planning and designing part the Harbour area Provision of ample opportunities for inclusive multi-stakeholder involvement Provision of ample opportunities for inclusive multi-stakeholder involvement Ensuring accountability by wide information dissemination Ensuring accountability by wide information dissemination
Conclusion Respect and safeguard public comments that will be duly considered by the Government and the Commissioned Consultant Respect and safeguard public comments that will be duly considered by the Government and the Commissioned Consultant Optimization of financial resources as the Project is not-for-profit and will benefit the public at large in on a long term basis Optimization of financial resources as the Project is not-for-profit and will benefit the public at large in on a long term basis An opportunity for Hong Kong to take a bigger step forward with participatory planning practice guided by a sustainable development framework An opportunity for Hong Kong to take a bigger step forward with participatory planning practice guided by a sustainable development framework