Identify the role of the Master Gunner TLO: Identify the role of the Master Gunner at Division, Brigade, Battalion, Company and Platoon levels.
BRADLEY MASTER GUNNER The primary mission of the master gunner is to aid and assist commanders at all echelons in the planning, development, execution, and evaluation of all Bradley related training. (individual, crew, and collective). 2 2
RESPONSIBILITIES cont. Master Gunners are BFV related subject matter experts. They develop and conduct BCE training as outlined in FM 23-1. 1. Division Master Gunner (enhanced and separate brigade master gunners) are responsible for monitoring the BCE training program and developing certification examinations. 2. Battalion Master Gunners are responsible for the execution of the BCE training program. 3
QUESTION 1. What is the primary mission of a Master Gunner? 4
ANSWER To aid and assist commanders in planning, development, execution, and evaluation of all Bradley related training. 5
THE MASTER GUNNER SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES ARE DIRECTED BY THE COMMANDER. Examples of his duties are: Assist the validation or certification of newly assigned soldiers. - Set up or conduct initial skills training for new BC’s or gunners. - Assist in training new BC and gunner crews. - Develop or conduct training and certification of Bradley crew evaluators. 7
SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES cont. Assist all elements within the unit concerning gunnery training. - Forecast all ammunition for training. -Manage gunnery records, BGST records, turbulence rosters. -Coordinate and control training device usage. - If Senior Instructor-Operator qualified, train other I/Os to conduct COFT training. -Plan and manage COFT training. 8
SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES cont. Train crews on PGS / MILES gunnery peculiarities (boresighting point of aim, maintenance). Execute gunnery training. Supervise live-fire ranges to ensure all standards are followed. - Confirms zero techniques. - Coordinate target arrays, exposure times for targets, maneuver box verification, and setup of overall ranges to ensure they are in accordance with standards set forth in FM 23-1. Set up and conduct BGST training and evaluate the results. Advise the Commander of the tactical capabilities of the Bradley against threat systems in coordination with the S-2. 9
The Master Gunner has been formally trained to function at Battalion level. He has extensive training in BFV maintenance, range planning and execution and all phases of gunnery training. The Master Gunner’s responsibilities have been previously listed, but change in scope depending on the level that he is assigned. Such differences are as follows. 10
BRIGADE / DIVISION MASTER GUNNER Work closely with Master Gunners at lower echelons to ensure standards are uniform throughout training programs. Develops the Bradley crew evaluator written certification test in accordance with FM 23-1. Provides any new information on ways to improve training Bradley crews. Coordinates with installation / major training area range control personnel. Assists in developing and upgrading range facilities. 11
BATTALION MASTER GUNNER Is responsible for the continual education of the Master Gunners in the Battalion. -Assists the Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major in the selection of Master Gunner School Candidates. -Develops new training techniques to improve crew training. -Coordinates with Brigade for BFV training assets. -Certifies Bradley Crew Evaluators in accordance with FM 23-1. -Certifies BGST evaluators in accordance with FM 23-1 12
BATTALION MASTER GUNNER cont. Certifies range safety personnel. 13
COMPANY MASTER GUNNER Assists in the BFV services as required, works with organizational maintenance on the turret problems and DA Form 2408-8. Coordinates with Battalion S-3 to secure company gunnery training assets. Trains Bradley Crew Evaluators in accordance with FM 23-1. 14
PLATOON MASTER GUNNER. Is primarily responsible for the platoon BFV weapon system and turret maintenance. Updates Company Master Gunner on the Platoon’s crew training. Assists the Company Master Gunner in Unit Gunnery Training. 15
QUESTION 2. The Battalion Master Gunner assists the Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major in selection of what school? 16
QUESTION 2. The Battalion Master Gunner assists the Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major in selection candidates of school? Answer = Master Gunner School. 17
QUESTION 3. Who does the Company Master Gunner coordinates with in Battalion to secure company gunnery training assets? 18
QUESTION 3. Who does the Company Master Gunner coordinates with in Battalion to secure company gunnery training assets? Answer = Battalion S -2. 19
QUESTION 4. What is the primary mission for the Platoon Master Gunner. 20
QUESTION 4. What is the primary mission for the Platoon Master Gunner? Answer = Weapon system and turret maintenance. 21
Identify the role of the Master Gunner TLO: Identify the role of the Master Gunner at Division, Brigade, Battalion, Company and Platoon levels.