Eurostat Annual Report Ares(2014) Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 26 th & 27 th March 2015
Eurostat Annual Report 2014 Reminder of timeline for Eurostat report Reminder of content Summarise CC/ER/PPP for Intra-EU staff + Pensioners + Extra-EU staff Reminder who is affected by July 2014 CC 2
Reminder of timeline Eurostat Report finalised and communicated DG.HR First under Staff Regs amended October 2013 Just A64 content as pay freeze still applies Automatic adoption procedure now applies. Report published on CIRCABC Results published in C series of Official Journal following completion of consultation procedures. C 444/5 (extra-EU) C 444/10 (intra-EU)
Content of the 2014 annual report 4 Main text Short (21p); main results for intra- EU staff, for pensioners and for Extra-EU staff (situation at July 2014); key tables (6). Annex 1 Longer (33p); explanations, analyses, detailed tables (12).
Reminder of calculation method No change to CC calculation methodology Intra- EU or Extra-EU. Intra-EU CC values reflect surveys validated during 2013 and 2014 (and six year rents model), plus relative movement of consumer price indices. No new expenditure weights. Exchange rates affect CC for several MS not in Eurozone 5
July 2014 intra-EU Staff CC bands 6 CC valueDuty station 55 – 755BG, LT, HU, PL, RO 75 – 805EE, HR, CZ, LV, SK 80 – 905EL, CY, MT, PT, SI 90 – 1005DE Ber, DE Bon, DE Kar, ES, IT Var 100 – 1104IT Rom, AT, DE Mun, NL 110 – 1254IE, UK Cul, FR, FI > 1253SE, DK, UK Lon Total31excluding BXL=LUX=100
July 2014 Pensioner CC bands 7 CC valueDuty station 55 – 704BG, HU, PL, RO 70 – 805CZ, HR, LV, LT, SK 80 – 906EE, EL, CY, MT, PT, SI 90 – 1003DE, ES, IT 100 – 1104IE, FR, NL, AT 110 – 1253FI, SE, UK > 1251DK total26excluding BE=LU=100
July 2014 Extra-EU CC bands 8 CC valueDuty station blank7Afg, Arg, Ira, Lib, Som, Syr, Zim 55 – 7043Africa 16, AsiPac 15, LatCar 7, joint 5 70 – 8033Africa 8, AsiPac 10, LatCar 9, joint 6 80 – 9019Africa 6, AsiPac 8, LatCar 4, joint 1 90 – 10010Africa 6, AsiPac 1, LatCar 1, joint – 11015Africa 6, AsiPac 5, LatCar 2, joint – 12513Africa 4, AsiPac 5, LatCar 0, joint 4 > 1254Africa 2, AsiPac 0, LatCar 1, joint 1 total144excluding BE=100 See Table 9.1 "joint" = ECP coord. by ESTAT or OECD
Change in CC intra-EU staff July Change in CCDuty station x < -4.8%3CZ, EL, HU -4.8% < x < -2.8%5BG, HR, IT Rom, CY, SE -2.8% < x < -1.8%1ES -1.8% < x < -0.8%6DK, MT, NL, AT, PT, SK -0.8% < x < +0.2%8DE Bon, DE Mun, EE, FR, LT, RO, SI, FI +0.2% < x < +1.2%3DE Ber, IT Var, LV, +1.2% < x < +2.2%1PL > +2.2%4DE Kar, IE, UK Lon, UK Cul 31 (of which partly due to exchange rate movements)
The July 2014 Staff CC will affect: 10 Remuneration of: Active EU staff (Permanent officials, Temporary agents, Contract agents) of EU institutions (COMM, PARL, CONS, ECJ, ECA) working outside Brussels, eg. in EU Representations, Joint Research Centres Seconded teachers at European Schools; staff of EU Agencies; staff of European Investment Bank; staff of European Central Bank Researcher mobility under FP7; Education mobility under LLL (LdV, Comenius) Equalisation coefficients in Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme; Mission expenses Similarly, by collaboration: Staff of Coordinated Organisations, European Patent Office, EuroControl and other international organisations (eg. CERN, ESO)
Change in CC Pensioners July Change in CCDuty station x < -4.8%3CZ, EL, SE -4.8% < x < -2.8%3HR, IT, HU -2.8% < x < -1.8%1FR -1.8% < x < -0.8%4BG, ES, CY, NL -0.8% < x < +0.2%8DK, DE, LT, MT, AT, PT, SK, FI +0.2% < x < +1.2%3EE, IE, SI +1.2% < x < +2.2%2LV, RO > +2.2%1PL, UK 26 (of which partly due to exchange rate movements)
The July 2014 Pension CC will affect: 12 Remuneration of: Retired EU officials (accumulated rights until 2004), including survivors/orphans EU officials receiving invalidity pension Values of: Transfers into and out of the Pension Scheme of EU Officials
Change in CC Extra-EU staff July Change in CCDuty station x < -11.7%2Min (Djibouti) -11.7% < x < -6.7%9 -6.7% < x < -1.7% % < x < +3.3% % < x < +8.3% % < x < +13.3%16 > +13.3%6Max (Venezuela) New2South Sudan, UAE Blank7 144
The July 2014 Extra-EU CC will affect: 14 Remuneration of: Active EU staff (Permanent officials, Temporary agents, Contract agents) of EU institutions EEAS staff in EU Delegations Staff of European Investment Bank Similarly, by collaboration: Staff of Coordinated Organisations, European Patent Office, EuroControl and other international organisations (eg. CERN, ESO) Mission expenses
15 Thank you for your attention!