Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Clark’s 4 th & 5 th Grade Class
Let Me Introduce Myself My 24 th year! Here at Ranch View since opening day I’ve taught every grade except 3 rd
Please See Handout Classroom Rights: –The Teacher has the right to TEACH –Every Student has the right to LEARN Classroom Economy –Colonial Cash –End of the Trimester Auction Library & PE days –Library: Mondays –PE: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Handout: 4 th & 5 th Grade Standards Reading –One story per week in our textbook –Accelerated Reader 25 & 30 points for first trimester Worth 15% & 20% of report card grade Math –One lesson per day in our textbook –Accelerated Math 30 & 35 objectives for the first trimester Worth 15% & 20% of report card grade Don’t forget your Math Textbook access code tonight! Curriculum
Late or Missing Work Call or send a note in the event of an emergency. Notes/phone calls will be made if late or missing homework becomes an ongoing problem. Work will be accepted ONE DAY late for a reduced grade. After that, it will not be accepted.
Reading Homework Home Reading Log--Due every Monday –Read library books and prepare for AR tests. –Wednesday’s assignment requires Reading Textbook. –Parent signature required for credit Reading Comprehension Worksheet-- Mondays –Please provide a highlighter
Spelling & Grammar Homework Weekly Spelling List –Packet handed out on Monday and due on Friday –3 times each on Monday –Practice Test on Wednesdays (parent signature required) Grammar –Mondays and Tuesdays
Math, Science, & Social Studies Homework Math –Homework every day (watch the “Math Homework Help” video on our class website) Students MUST show their work or no credit will be given –Practice basic facts Science –Study Guide Tuesday –Study for test Wednesday –Test in class Thursday Social Studies –Study for test Thursday (textbook is study guide) –Test in class Friday
Monthly Projects Assigned at the beginning of each month. 4 th Grade: Book Project (a different genre of literature will be assigned each month) 5 th Grade: Patriotic Song Project (requires use of the Internet) 4 th Grade Book Registration Form is due on the 15 th of the month. Both Grades: Completed projects are due the last school day of the month.
Current Events Once per trimester Detailed info will be sent home with your child’s first assigned current event.
Attendance Absences –Please call or send a note –“We Missed You” sheets allowed as many days as absent to make up the work Tardies –School begins promptly at 8:00 Trimester awards for good attendance
Communication Agenda--check it every day Friday Folder--please sign and return Class website –Please include your child’s name in the subject line School Phone: (909) Room 26
5 th Grade Outdoor Science Camp Tuesday, Feb. 21 – Friday, Feb. 24 Fundraising Opportunities Brief Meeting TONIGHT at 7:30 in the Cafeteria
Sign In & Sign Up Sign In next to your child’s name on the sign in sheet Sign Up for a Parent/Teacher Conference during the week of October 3 rd through 7 th