Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak Paper Presentation by Michael Matarazzo A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
I. Introduction II. Related Work III. Virtual Device Composition IV. Simulation and Analysis V. Conclusion A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Networked Appliance [1] The demand from consumers for networked services to be seamlessly integrated into their lifestyles is driving network and computing technology into everyday objects. Defined as a dedicated function consumer device with an embedded processor, a network connection, and the ability to disperse its capabilities within the network. This allows other devices to combine with and use those capabilities as part of a virtual device. The functionality of a networked appliance is distributed, enabling it to be controlled, monitored, managed, and extended beyond what it was initially designed to do. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Virtual Device Defined as a collection of heterogeneous devices near a user that behave as a single homogeneous device in solving a given task. Also defined as a system of strong networked devices, both fixed and mobile, with many distributed input and output capabilities. The networked devices are specific, i.e. they provide a single functionality at high quality, and users can incorporate autonomous devices in their vicinity as needed. Single applications can be distributed across a number of devices, with the strengths of each device providing enhanced user experience and quality of service (QoS). A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Automatic Composition of Virtual Devices Because virtual devices are managed with little or no human involvement, an open problem is how to achieve automatic composition of virtual devices and their services. The goal is to automate the discovery process and to enable the devices to determine what services are required. Approaches that have been taken [2]: Human-Computer Interaction Networking and Automatic Interoperation These approaches provide basic interoperability through centralized approaches, and do not support Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Service Composition in MANETs The hope of finding more reactive and decentralized solutions has led to research targeting service composition in MANETs [3], [4], [5]. However, QoS has generally not been a priority, i.e. “acceptable” over “best.” Also, constant periodic (or push-based) advertising for service discovery has been relied on; this unnecessarily depletes limited resources. Since MANETs can be described as self-creating, self-organizing, and self- administering, they offer unique benefits and versatility to the virtual device problem. However, they also create environments with varying attributes, e.g. bandwidth, delay, loss, jitter. A composed virtual device should degrade and upgrade smoothly along with the performance of the network. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Virtual Device Composition Problem This paper defines the Virtual Device Composition problem, Presents the Virtual Device Constraint Satisfaction Protocol (VDCSP), Does not require broadcast-based service advertisements, and Includes a graceful degradation and upgradation scheme corresponding to the performance of the network. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Benefits of using a distCSP Solving a distCSP implies achieving coherence or consistency among agents. Unlike traditional schemes, distCSPs can be solved without the need for agents to divulge complete or precise information about their domain and constraints. Information is passed in a highly summarized form, allowing a greater degree of privacy and security. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Contributions of Paper 1.To modify the solution of preliminary work [7], [8] to include network attributes in the process of VDC, 2.To extend the solution to account for postcomposition adaptation based on changing network attributes, and 3.To provide more extensive simulations that study the effects of mobility and scalability on efficiency and effectiveness. Simulations show that VDCSP can compose high-quality virtual devices that meet task requirements, service constraints, and user preferences. VDCSP can also perform postcomposition adaptation while minimizing message cost and composition time. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Service Discovery and Composition Research in this area [9] – [17] takes two paths: Service Description and Matching Service discovery and composition architectures (mostly in infrastructure-based environments) We will examine: Service Discovery and composition in both infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less environments, and Chakraborty et al.’s Distributed Service Composition Protocol (DSC), used for comparison. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Infrastructure-Based Environments Use languages such as Web Services Development Language (WSDL) [18] and the DARPA Agent Markup Language for Services (DAML-S) [19] to describe network services. Web Services Flow Language (WSFL) [21] and the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) [20] are used to formally specify services. The majority of service discovery and composition architectures are designed for wired infrastructures, using central servers and dedicated machines with plenty of resources. They do not cater to highly pervasive, mobile and ad hoc environments. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Infrastructure-Less Environments As previously mentioned, existing work [31], [32] relies too heavily on broadcast-based techniques and does not include QoS metrics. As a result, the main focus of most existing protocols is to discover, integrate, and execute services while satisfying resource constraint issues typical in MANETs without addressing the quality of the composed service. The work of Chakraborty et al. makes significant contributions in this area with their group-based service discovery protocol (GSD). It is based on peer-to-peer caching of service advertisements and on group-based selective forwarding of service discovery paths. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Other techniques and protocols Han and Zhang [33] and Wang [34]: a service composition protocol based on Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) Standardized protocol: Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol [35] MobiLife Integrated Project [36] Intel Research: Dynamic Composable Computing [37] Namman et al.: Flexible Service Composition Framework [38] A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Distributed Service Composition Protocol (Chakraborty et al.) Mobile nodes (connected by ad hoc network protocols) represent various devices providing one or more services, and are able to be invoked by peer nodes. Involves a requesting source, service provider and broker. The process begins when a requesting source elects a broker. The broker then discovers nodes providing the required services and integrates/executes those services on behalf of the source. A requesting source may simultaneously act as a service provider and/or a broker. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Four phases of the DSC protocol 1. Broker Arbitration: a requesting source elects a broker using information about that broker’s resources and the service providers in their vicinity. Ideally a node with high computational power, low computational load and long battery life, and located in an area of high service density. To obtain information on nearby service providers nearby, each broker examines its cache, which is updated according to the GSD [41]. Each service provider periodically advertises a list of its services to other peer nodes within a limited vicinity, including a list of service groups. Grouping information is used to forward discovery requests to service providers, resulting in less network-wide broadcasts and a more efficient discovery process. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Four phases of the DSC protocol, cont. 1. Broker Arbitration 2. Service Discovery: all necessary devices are discovered using GSD and the matching of requests with cached descriptions of services. 3. Service Integration: discovered services are selected using basic cost factors such as “nearest available service.” No specific algorithm is used. 4. Service Execution: an execution flow is created. Execution occurs in a distributed manner; the broker executes service and transmits information from the previous service to the next. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Environment Fig. 1a shows an environment of mobile nodes connected by ad hoc protocols. They represent various devices providing one or more services that can be invoked by peer nodes. Device composition is the composition of services offered in a user’s vicinity, providing the user with a virtual device that satisfies an atomic task. An atomic task is an application-level task that requires one or more atomic services. An atomic service is a service residing on a single node. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Task-based composition specification (TCspec) Fig. 1b shows a specification of service and service property requirements represented as policies. It is generated from a task, and divided into three categories: Task requirements: represent the minimum services required for task satisfaction. Service Constraints: represent the constraints needed to allow the composed service to function as intended. User preferences: service constraints controlled by the user; they shape the desired QoS. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Task-based composition specification (TCspec), cont. The QoS associated with one particular composition separates it from other compositions. In this paper, QoS is defined as the ability of a virtual device to match the TCspec. The objective is to examine all possible composition configurations and identify the configuration that best fulfills the TCspec. Challenges: some nodes are independent and operate under different rules/guidelines for composition, i.e. private policy. Private policy may refer to security rules, business models, etc. that must be kept confidential; this is why centralized solutions with extensive information-sharing are unsuitable. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Virtual Device Constraint Satisfaction Protocol (VDCSP) The VDCSP allows automated agents, each representing the interests of a particular node, to act concurrently and asynchronously. No global control is required in deciding how to best form the virtual device for the user. No periodic service advertisements are needed, and private policy can be incorporated. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Steps of VDCSP: Candidate Formation When a task becomes activated on a user’s device, the corresponding node sends a virtual device request (VDrequest) message into the user’s immediate vicinity, using a bounded broadcast (Fig. 3). A VDrequest contains the task’s TCspec, which is used by a receiving node to decide whether or not it can contribute a service. Nodes that can contribute send a virtual device reply (VDreply) message to the VDrequest initiator. The initiator uses these replies to compute a candidate table containing the addresses and unique identifiers of all responding nodes organizes in descending priority order. Once formed, the table is distributed to all nodes. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Evaluating the Performance of VDCSP We now evaluate the performance of VDCSP in varying service densities, mobility, and topologies. We also look at the VDCSPs ability to gracefully degrade and upgrade in postcomposition adaptation. We will compare the results to those of Chakraborty et al.’s push-based DSC protocol. We hope to identify the efficiency gain in message usage and composition time, as well as to determine the reactions to varying mobility and scaling. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Simulation Parameters and Metrics A MANET is built and J-SIM [43] (simulation environment) is used to implement both VDCSP and DSC. A 30x30 m area is used containing 25 nodes w/ transmission range of 30 m. For mobility, a random-way-point model w/ min speed of 1 m/s, max speed of 3 m/s, and a 5s stoppage time is used. All broadcasts follow a strict bounded hop count of 1, and DSC service advertising intervals are set to 5s. The simulations are intended to reflect a mobile device making 100 requests over a 24-hour period. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Simulation Parameters and Metrics The simulation is repeated for composite lengths of 3, 5, and 7, and service densities of percent. We define service density as the percentage of nodes containing one of the atomic services required in the composition. For each simulation, we identify the optimal QoS achieved; a normalized QoS value to represent how close the actual formed composition comes to the best TCspec match currently present in the network. We also identify the amount of time taken and the number of messages consumed. It should be noted that since the derivation of similarity functions and weight are out of the scope of this paper, predetermined similarity values are utilized. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
QoS Analysis Fig. 6 shows that, compared to DSC, VDCSP provides an average increase in QoS of 55, 44, and 35 percent when composing 3, 5, and 7 services, respectively. For all service densities, VDCSP is able to provide a QoS above 99 percent. However, DSC does not fare well, mainly because there is no mechanism to distinguish a poor service from a better service. This simply reflects the average QoS performance in the network, a metric that drops as service density rises. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Cost Analysis Fig. 7 shows that the number of messages used by VDCSP, per composition, is an average of 62,750 (98 percent) lower than DSC. This is because DSC requires nodes to advertise their services at periodic intervals; DSC also requires the broker election, service discovery, and service aggregation phases to be sequential; VDCSP solves this in a single distCSP. Fig. 8 shows that average VDCSP composition time decreases by seconds (74 percent) when compared to DSC. The initial spike of DSC for composition lengths 5 and 7 can be attributed to the fact that DSC makes futile attempts to discover services that do not exist; VDCSP is able to quickly identify whether a desired service exists or not. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Effects of Scaling, cont. Both protocols suffer from scalability issues. For VDCSP, the effect of scaling begins to reduce QoS as the dimension area surpasses the transmission range of a node (Fig. 9); this can be attributed to the lack of discovery of potential services by both bounded broadcast and node disconnect. Fig. 11 shows an increase in composition time for VDCSP, but Fig. 10 shows only a small increase in the number of messages, which taper down as the dimensions continue to grow; in the latter, it is likely that more nodes are out of range of a given node as the dimension increases, resulting in negotiations b/w fewer nodes. For DSC, the QoS performance remains unchanged (Fig. 9), generally achieving a level that matches the network average; this decreases as the number of nodes increases due to continuous broadcasting. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Effects of Mobility Again, the parameters from Table 1 are utilized, service density is held at 50 percent, and the composition length is held at 3 services; however, the number of nodes increases to 49, the dimensions increase to 42x42 m, and the mobility model (random-way-point) increases from 0 to 10 m/s with no stoppage time. The results show that DSC (broadcast) is resilient to mobility since it continuously discovers the network average QoS level (Fig. 12). VDCSP (pull) suffers due to the increase in nodes outside the initiating node’s range; thus fewer nodes participate and spend less time solving the distCSP (Figs. 13 and 14). However, as node speed exceeds 5 m/s, there is a rise in QoS, composition time, and number of messages used for VDCSP; this can be attributed to quick movement in an out of an initiating node’s range, allowing nodes to be discovered and participate in the distCSP. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Postcomposition Adaptation (PA), cont. What does this mean? There is a clear tradeoff between push and pull discovery mechanisms! Since DSC uses a push method, the broker is continuously receiving periodic service advertisements from nodes in the vicinity; the higher the service density, the higher the number of messages. The benefits of DSC are realized in adaptation time, since it has a low constant value; the time required for VDCSP to adapt is directly related to service density and composition length. The VDCSP protocol would benefit from small amounts of pushed service advertisements! A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
Summary and Future Work This paper presented a distCSP model for task-based, QoS-aware, virtual device composition in MANETs, An asynchronous backtracking algorithm for solving the distCSP, A method of VDC without continuous broadcast-based service advertisements, and A network-performance-influenced QoS model for graceful degradation and upgradation postcomposition. Simulation results show that VDCSP achieves high QoS compositions w/out the unnecessary depletion of node resources. Future work will address some drawbacks of VDCSP by exploring a hybrid push/pull technique with multihop broadcasting along with more constrained upgrade policies to deal with dynamic network conditions. A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak
A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Approach to Virtual Device Composition Eric Karmouch, Amiya Nayak