Welcome to 5 th Grade Curriculum Night! Take a minute to look around our learning environment! Please read the personal narrative your child has drafted. Feel free to comment and add details that pertain to the story!
Personal Background and Experience Grew up in Michigan Undergrad degree from Central Michigan University Masters degree from Arizona State University National Board Certificated in th Year at Estrella Elementary Taught Summer School at Desert Vista High School in 6 th Grade Math. Website available for more information: - New
Goals To make connections between school and the real world. To make students self-responsible. To prepare students for middle school. To prepare students for the future using adopted Common Core State Standards.
Classroom Behavior and Policies Classroom Responsibilities One rule: Do not cause a problem for yourself or others Communication best! See planner Use Parent Portal in Synergy Snack and Water Fresh fruit and vegetables recommended No red liquids Birthdays Check the approved list beforehand please Peanut-aware classroom!
Homework and Planner Homework (yellow folder) Homework Calendar ( in folder ) Reading Passport Sign every day Planner Pages Sign every Friday DMP & DLR Test on Friday Correlates with am & pm seat work
Assessments and Conferences Portfolios Tests and Rubrics 6 Traits Writing Rubric Check website for all rubrics Fall: Parent + Teacher Spring: Portfolio Conference = Parent + Student and Teacher End of Year: Open House?
Reading Workshop Harcourt basal reader textbook 5-6 complete themes Whole group and small group Reading IFG Small group focus Rotate Teachers Trade chapter books novel studies (?) Reading Passport Each quarter Word Ladder (blue) + Word Ladder Stories Weekly Homework Book Shares (Book Reports) 1 a month! SH.R.I.M.P. Read Aloud
Writing Workshop Teacher Selected Topics 1 per quarter: 1. Narrative: Personal Summer Story + Tall Tale 2. Opinion: Persuasive Piece 3. Poetry + Biography 4. Informational: U.S. State Report Write from the Beginning Journal Writing Cross-Curricular Writing Projects
Spelling All Lists available online Homework List (purple) due Friday Two columns, plus an activity every week Spectacular Spelling (purple book) due Thursday Test each Friday 20 words plus an unknown bonus
Math Investigations Hands on experience 9 Units + Games Scott Foresman Traditional math Supplemental Homework (R and P pages) Math IFG Small group focus Rotate teachers Fosnot Math Strings Quarterly Units Timed Tests random fact checks Problem Solving Math (green) Weekly Homework
Social Studies (U.S. History) Rotations (MacDonald) 1. Geography and Explorers 2. Colonization of America 3. American Revolution 4. American Civil War U.S. State Studies
Science Rotations (Caldwell) FOSS Kits Scientific Process & Experiments = Hands on Learning 1. Scientific Process 2. Matter + Motion and Forces 3. Human Body 4. Solar System + Biomes
Technology Rotations (Morrissey) District and Library Labs 1. Word (Social Studies content - Government) 2. Excel (Science content) 3. Power Point (Social Studies content) 4. Frames (Science content)
Health New book and curriculum District Controls, Previewing Available in May Nutrition Safety Drugs / Alcohol Personal Care
Questions? Comments? Thanks for Coming! Your Child and I Appreciate It!