McKinley Elementary School McKinley Elementary
McKinley Elementary Our Mission: McKinley Elementary School is a positive and safe community that expects and encourages each student’s success, both academically and socially.
McKinley Elementary School Our Vision: McKinley will provide each student with a quality education so that they meet or exceed Pennsylvania’s performance standards.
McKinley Elementary School Underlying Beliefs and Commitments: To achieve this vision, the school will make certain that: Each student, regardless of their academic level when they entered McKinley, will leave ready for 5 th grade: Each student, regardless of their academic level when they entered McKinley, will leave ready for 5 th grade: * having met or exceeded state standards in all subject areas. * as a proficient reading and writer. All students will receive high quality, standards-based instruction in all subjects. All teachers will focus instruction on high quality student work that meets standards. All classroom teachers will receive high quality training to assist ELL and students with disabilities to achieve language and content standards at the level of proficient or above. All students will thrive in a just, fair, and caring learning environment that fosters confidence and a sense of belonging. Every student will study a challenging curriculum that applies their learning to everyday situations, thereby enhancing students, social, emotional, and ethical development and deepening their commitment to values and good citizenship.
McKinley Elementary EVERY decision made at McKinley is surrounded by our three CORE VALUES: The ABCs of McKinley 1.How will it improve ACADEMICS? 2.How will it help student BEHAVIOR? 3.How will it show we CARE?
McKinley Academics To improve academics, McKinley uses data to drive all instructional decisions. Research based interventions and materials are used to help struggling students. All instruction is aligned with state standards. During the school year McKinley has focused on improving the schools academic standing.
McKinley Academics 3 rd Grade 4 sight performance 3rd Grade Baseline1st2nd Math Reading
McKinley Academics 4 th Grade 4 sight Performance 4th Grade Baseline1st2nd Math Reading
McKinley Academics What have we been doing to improve? All grades are participating in DIBELS testing. Grade level materials are used for ALL students during whole group instruction. Compelling conversation with teachers. 2 nd, 3 rd & 4 th grade teachers goal setting with every student using individual student maps. Computer based programs: Reading A-Z, RAZ-Kids, Read Naturally, FASST math, United Streaming. PSSA standards aligned instructional material: PSSA Coach, PSSA Ladders to Success. 4SIGHT and DIBELS data used to place student in FOCUSED groups. Every support staff utilized for small group instruction during intervention time for grades 3 and 4: literacy coach, math coach, special education, ELL, and enrichment.
Academics Continued EAP Interventionist working with 1 st & 2 nd grade. ELL, special education and enrichment teachers pushing into 3 rd & 4 th grade. Progress monitoring used to track progress: AIMlines, PSI ( 95% Accuracy), Journeys intervention, Performance Tracker, DIBELS, 4Sight SAS aligned and higher order questioning in lesson planning. CSST Process After school and Saturday tutoring
McKinley Behavior To improve academics McKinley is also focused on improving the learning environment for students by teaching and modeling appropriate behavioral skills. McKinley focuses on being a supportive, positive environment. Discipline numbers at McKinley show a reduction in discipline referrals.
McKinley Behavior What have we been doing to improve? Saturday detention instead of external suspension when appropriate. High expectations and consistency. PATHS social skills curriculum used for small group instruction by school counselor. FBA/PBSP intervention Continue to implement SWEBS with fidelity. Behavior videos starring our very own students modeling appropriate McKinley expectations. Professional development and consolation from Brian Mendler. Individual student maps used by 3 rd & 4 th grade teachers for behavior goal setting.
McKinley Caring To show that we care, we need to create and maintain a positive school climate. Relationship building is key to developing a strong caring bond with our students, families and community. McKinley has participated in many different efforts during the school year.
McKinley Caring What have we been doing to show it? Student Council Efforts York’s Helping Hand for the Homeless food drive collected 144 cans in one week. York’s Helping Hand for the Homeless food drive collected 144 cans in one week. Leukemia Society – Pennies for Patients raised $ Leukemia Society – Pennies for Patients raised $ Service learning project – York Benevolent Center (see newspaper article) Service learning project – York Benevolent Center (see newspaper article) York Dollars for Scholars Safety Patrol Bear Club – New student welcoming committee Parent group and volunteers