European Network on New Sensing Technologies for Air Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability - EuNetAir COST Action TD1105 INTERNATIONAL WG1-WG4 MEETING on New Sensing Technologies and Methods for Air-Pollution Monitoring European Environment Agency - EEA Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2013 POSTER SESSION Action Start date: 01/07/ Action End date: 30/06/ Year 2: (Ongoing Action) TITLE OF POSTER Presenter’s Name Function in the Action: (WG or SIG Member, ESR) Affiliation / Country Speaker Organization Logo
2 Scientific Context and Objectives (1 slide) Background / Problem statement: What is the scientific context, objectives and what challenges are addressing ? An image or picture, plot or graph, and text is highly appreciated.
3 RESULTS (1 slide) Discuss briefly the RESULTS achieved Data Analysis Highlight the Innovation of your achieved RESULTS Free scheme for this template: Impressive Image, Plot, Figure, Table and Text are welcomed
4 CONCLUSIONS and Future Activities (1 slide) Discuss briefly the conclusions Highlight the main achievements and the open PROBLEMS Acknowledgements and contact details here.