Teaching Technology in the Middle School §Shannon Conant §Barb Jones §Judy Durbin §Suzie Handzlik
Welcome! Topics to be covered: §Teaching with Technology §Internet for Language Arts §Math and Technology §Mnemonics §Connecting Writing to the Math Curriculum
Teaching with Technology §Challenging §Inviting Opportunities §Interactive §Team Teaching
Internet for Language Arts
What is Language Arts? §Readers Theater §Poetry §Short Stories §Grammar §Vocabulary §Spelling
Why would we use technology for Language Arts? §Research §Tutorials §Fun and Games
Research §Writing Ideas §Project Ideas §Library §Encyclopedias §
Tutorials §Teaching tool §Tests/Quizzes §Challenging and Fun §
Fun and Games §Internet adds excitement §Variety §Age Appropriate §
Extra Internet Resources § §
Technology in Mathematics §Why would we use technology in Math §What is technology in Mathematics §Investigations §Problem Solving
Why would we use Technology in Mathematics §Provides opportunity §Opens new doors §Apply skills and strategies §Planning §Models §Recognize different representations of the same relationships §Students on task §Active learning §Manipulatives
What is Technology in Mathematics? §Not just the Internet §Graphing Calculators §Mathematica §Programming §Drafting §AutoCad §Special Education §Tutorials
Investigations §Gather Data §Analyze §Comparisons §Interpretations §Availability
Problem Solving §Communication §Investigations §Connections within and outside of Mathematics
Connections §Music §Art §Language Arts §Physical Education §Science §Much more
Mathematics and Technology §MAGICAL
Math Learning and Fun Links § § § §
Learning Styles §Visual §Auditory §Kinaesthetic
Mnemonics §Abbreviation §Rhyme §Verbal Device - the student learns or creates in order to remember something §Computers § §URL §HTML §ISP §CPU §CD-Rom
The Language Arts Teacher §I before E except after C §And when saying “A” as in neighbor or weigh §And weird is always weird. §A friend is always there when the end comes. §RAVEN
The Math Teacher §May I Have a Large Container of Coffee §Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally §Lucky Cows Drink Milk §To multiply any number by 25, add two 0s and divide by 4
Internet Resources § §
Connecting Writing to the Mathematics Curriculum
Three types of Writing §Expository §Journal §Metacognitive
Expository Writing §Writing Helps Students §Provides Teacher Insights
Journal Writing §More Journal Writing for Math Class §Students can work at their own rate §Facilitate understanding §Helps teachers
Metacognitive Writing §Student Awareness §Learning Process §Helps Build Thinking Skills
To ‘sum’ it up §Writing as a learning tool §Writing to assess §Writing to gain information