Unit Title Author name Author school Grade Level
Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results Established Goals: [What relevant goals (CSOs, course objectives, learning outcomes) will be addressed] Understandings: Students will understand that…. Essential Questions: 1. Students will know...Students will be able to…
Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence Performance Tasks: [Through what authentic tasks will students demonstrate understanding?] [By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?] Other Evidence: [Through what other evidence will students demonstrate achievement?]
Stage 3 – Plan Learning Exercises and Instruction Factual Students will show what they already know by: [Pre-Test or hands-on demonstration] Mechanical We will address deficiencies in vocabulary, knowledge and skills by: [Individual or small-group instruction – practice sheets, games, graphic organizer, manipulatives, etc.] Proficiency Students will prove their proficiency of this skill by: [Teacher questioning, hands-on demonstration, review, explain/discuss/defend] Creative Only after proving their proficiency, students will apply and extend what they know by: [authentic tasks and projects] Mastery [Post-test]
Acquisition planning form for a topic or skill. Projected duration: [lesson length] Begin Date: Essential Question Activating Strategy Teaching Strategies Differentiation Summarizing Strategy Materials:
Non-Acquisition planning form for a topic or skill. Projected duration: [lesson length] Begin Date: Essential Question Teaching Strategies Assignment Materials:
SternbergAssignments and Assessments Analytical Show the parts of _________ and how they work. Explain why _______ works the way it does. Diagram how __________ affects __________________. Identify the key parts of _____________________. Present a step-by-step approach to _________________. Creative Demonstrate how someone uses ________ in their life or work. Show how we could apply _____ to solve this real life problem ____. Based on your own experience, explain how _____ can be used. Here’s a problem at school, ________. Using your knowledge of ______________, develop a plan to address the problem. Practical Find a new way to show _____________. Use unusual materials to explain ________________. Use humor to show ____________________. Explain (show) a new and better way to ____________. Make connections between _____ and _____ to help us understand ____________. Become a ____ and use your “new” perspectives to help us think about ____________.
Gardner’s Assignments and Assessments Linguistic (Word-Smart) TV/radio ad, debate, crossword, letters, limericks, similes, speeches, story problems, written instructions Logical-Mathematical (Number-Smart) Cause/effect, charts, coded message, graphic org., mind map, mnemonics, sequences, lab, calculator instructions Spatial (Picture-Smart) Model, book cover, collage, comic strip, flow chart, illustration, mobile, Pictionary, poster, puzzle, Venn diagram Kinesthetic (Body-Smart) Skit or play, charades, dance, games, sign lang., role-play, manipulatives demonstration, video production Musical (Music-Smart) Cheer, composition, jingle/melody, music mnemonics, poem, rap, song Interpersonal (People-Smart) Circle of knowledge, communication game, cooperative product, “each one teach one”, jigsaw, interview, role play Intrapersonal (Self-Smart) Diary/journal, personal application scenario, photo essay/slideshow, reflections, summary
Bloom’sAssignments and Assessments Creating [film, song, new game, project, plan, media product] Evaluating [debate, evaluation, persuasive speech, predict, Venn diagram] Analyzing [graph, survey, mobile, interview, debate,] Applying [pictograph, illustration, simulation, presentation] Understanding [summary, show and tell, outline, paraphrase] Remembering [quiz, test, definition, worksheet, list]
Think-Tac-Toe [Topic 1] [Topic 2] [Topic 3]
Be a Student Leader Help your fellow classmates! Create a product that goes along with our current unit that will help other students understand and learn about the topic(s). Possible products include: Make a bulletin board or poster highlighting important facts about each topic. Produce an audio/visual podcast or PowerPoint slide show highlighting important facts (with examples) about each topic. Create a web page, web log, or wiki that students can use as a learning/study resource. Make a “…for Dummies” book, providing examples and practice (with answer key) that other students can use as a resource. Make a skit/commercial advertising a special problem-solving strategy Invent a game that teaches important concepts to the players Write a song to help students remember important points (you will be asked to perform) Create your own idea and get teacher permission.
21 st -Century Learning/Technology/Work place CSOs Addressed: Student misconceptions to watch for: Cross-curricular integration: Technology Usage: Vocabulary Developed: Teacher notes/reflection: