Change and Mentoring Continuing the journey… Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Topics we’ll cover… Learning Styles Cone of Retention Multiple Intelligences Perception and Organization of Information Analysis Plan for Change and Mentoring Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Think About Learning There are a variety of ways to take in and process information −Infuse different types of activities −Name this at the beginning…(everyone will have equal opportunity to feel uncomfortable!) Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Think About Learning Styles The senses: −Visual −Auditory −Kinesthetic Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
We Remember (average retention after 24 hours) Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Focus on the Whole Brain Left hemisphere – linear, sequential, and analytical (language and logic) Right hemisphere – holistic, visual-spatial operations (nonverbal, verbal kinesthetic) Incorporate both! Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Support Multiple Intelligences! Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21 st Century by Howard Gardner Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Multiple Intelligences Verbal- linguistic Lectures, debates, interviews, poetry, journal writing, word games, concept maps, discussions, crossword puzzles, speeches, puns, riddles Logical- mathematical Computation, brainteasers, outlining, sequencing, Venn diagrams, graphic organizers, time-lines, cause-effect, predictions, formulas, chunking, compare- contrast Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Multiple Intelligences Rhythmic- musical Patterning, jingles, raps, phrases, rhythmic beats, human, nature sounds, background music, tongue twisters, human orchestra, auditory mnemonics Visual- spatial Visualizations, drawing, watching, murals, collages, mind-mapping, cartoons, guided imagery, slide shows, dioramas, creative art Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Multiple Intelligences Bodily- Kinesthetic Role-playing, drama, dances, simulations, crafts, walk and talk sharing, fieldtrips, demonstrations, tactile activities, charades, constructing Naturalistic Cultural artifacts, restoration projects, ecology projects, observation, care for living things, pattern recognition Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Multiple Intelligences Interpersonal Cooperative learning groups, role-playing, discussions, human graphs, peer sharing, team activities, panels, interviews Intrapersonal Self-assessment, meditation, journal writing, analogies, self-study, divergent (open-ended) questions, visualization, guided imagery Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Take a look at yourself! Check it out! Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Get up and move! Go to the sign that indicates your strongest intelligence Discuss how this may affect your approach to mentoring or training others Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Move again! Go to the sign that indicates your weakest intelligence Discuss how this may affect your approach to mentoring or training others Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Anthony Gregorc – Perception and Organization of Information Two ways to perceive information −Concretely −Abstractly Two ways to organize information: −Sequentially −Randomly Though all are used…we have preferences! Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Stop and Take a Look! Answer the questions and read the information in the Four Learning Styles Type handout Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Analysis Divide into three’s Make a Venn diagram Think about −Cognitive Styles −Multiple Intelligences −Gregorc Model Diagram similarities and differences Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.
Change and Mentoring Plan for Change and Mentoring −Alone or with others Share with whole group (3:00 pm) Tonight! Celebrate!!!!!!!!!! Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.