Petteri Baer
Summarising the Results of the 3rd Nordic Marketing Conference on Statistical Products and Services Petteri Baer Helsinki th of June 2005
Petteri Baer Our Conference has produced tangible and non-tangible results... 7 Country presentations 3 Main presentations and 5 other presentations in the plenary sessions 10 Workshop introductions and reports plus 15 prepared presentations and numerous other presentations in the Workshops Altogether 35 documented materials + discussions, discussions... 4 happy hours learning to know each other better and also small parts of Finnish history by visiting Suomenlinna Fortress and cruising in the Helsinki archipelago One discussion group established
Petteri Baer Findings in the discussions of the Conference (1) The importance of understanding the work of Central Statistical Offices (CSOs) as processes Dissemination, marketing, building customer relations and the service ability is [or should be] considered as a core strategic process of the CSOs The importance of systematic approach to building customer relations
Petteri Baer Findings in the discussions of the Conference (2) Important prerequisites for good results in the work with customers and in achieving strategic goals of CSOs are Building a system of Customer relationship management (CRM) Obtaining / efficient use of CRM software The importance of organisational culture and organisational forms were strongly discussed The development of the strategic concepts into a more customer oriented direction should be reflected in the organisational structures of our CSOs
Petteri Baer Findings in the discussions of the Conference (3) Taking responsibility for the complexity of new challenges The importance of databases for developing our customer oriented work and the service ability needed for that The importance of good and customer friendly web sites A discussion group on web site created - Moderator: Lotte Buchbjerg Petersen, Statistics Denmark New solutions for “old” questions - learning new things about the use of microdata for research purposes Exchange of ideas and experience on customer surveys, pricing and many other things
Petteri Baer The web site as a good source of information Most of the materials of our Conference can be found on the Conference web site, Do make use of it yourself in your future work Please recommend to bookmark it also for your colleagues at home! Photographs taken during the Conference Documentation of the previous Conferences? Links to the International Marketing and Online Databases Conference tradition: Wellington 1994, Kirkebaerklaustur 1996, Mont Tremblant 2001, Annapolis 2002, Bath 2003, Oslo 2004, The Hague 2005Mont TremblantAnnapolisBath OsloThe Hague
Petteri Baer Finalising the results of the 3rd Nordic Marketing Conference on Statistical Products and Services Please write down two deadlines Tuesday, the 21st of June Deadline for finalisation of the our Workshop Reports Send comments to Tuesday, the 9th of August Deadline for development proposals to the Nordic Contact Group on Marketing questions From the participants of this Conference Comments are also invited from the readers of the Conference web site Send your comments to the members of the Nordic Contact Group on Marketing questions, addresses, see web site!
Petteri Baer What’s next? The Nordic Group for Marketing Questions will have its next meeting in Stockholm on the 12th of August 2005 Summing up the results of this Conference Deliver recommendations of action to the Assembly of the Director Generals of the Nordic CSOs in September 2005 Plan and make suggestions for topics of future co-operation for developing the know-how and skills in building customer relations and marketing in the Nordic CSOs Discuss the perspectives of developing the co-operation with our Baltic colleagues International Marketing and Online Databases Conference (IMAODBC) in The Hague, September 5-9 th 2005
Petteri Baer
Petteri Baer So - We come to the final conclusions... We should look upon our interactions with customers as a learning process We should develop big ears and an open mind and …listen … listen … and listen again We should learn from each other and maybe meet more often We should make use of existing scientific basis for our work The Nordic School of Relationship Marketing Christian Grönroos, Ewert Gummesson and others From 4 P:s to 30 R:s