Mnemonics! ……Not Just A Funny Word.
What does it mean!?? According to Brozo. Fisher, Frey & Ivey (2011): “A mnemonic device is a tool that helps a person transform or organize information to enhance its retrievability from memory.” BUT…Not JUST Acronyms!
M ost N ew E ducation M ajors O ffer N eat I deas (in) C lassroom S ettings MNEMONICS
M ost N ew E ducation M ajors O ffer N eat I deas (in) C lassroom S ettings MNEMONICS
References Fisher, D., Brozo, W.G., Frey, N., & Ivey, G. (2011). 50 instructional routines to develop content literacy (2 nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. Image courtesy of conversations-with-the-muppets/