Managing Human Resources Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources ©2008 Thomson/South-Western Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Lesson 23.1 Human Resources in Business Goals Identify the reasons human resources management is important to businesses and employees. Identify and describe each of the major human resources activities. Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Human Resources Management Human resources management (HRM, also called personnel management) — all activities involved with acquiring, developing, and compensating the people who do the company’s work Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Human Resources Activities Employment Wages and benefits Performance improvement Employee relations Health and safety Performance management Employee assistance programs Employment planning and research Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Lesson 23.2 The Employment Process Goals Describe the steps a business should follow to hire an employee. Discuss effective procedures for promoting, transferring, and discharging employees. Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources Selecting Personnel Establishing a need Job description Job specifications Recruiting applicants Current employees Unsolicited applications Employment agencies Other sources Processing applications Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Promoting and Transferring Employees Promotion — advancement of an employee within a company to a position of more authority and responsibility Transfer — assignment of an employee to another job in the company that generally involves the same level of responsibility and authority as the person’s current work Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources Releasing Employees Discharge — release of an employee from the company due to inappropriate behavior Layoff — temporary or permanent reduction in the number of employees because of a change in business conditions Employee turnover — rate at which people enter and leave employment in a business during a year Exit interview — formal interview with an employee leaving the company to determine his/her attitudes about the company and suggestions for improvement Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Calculating the Rate of Employee Turnover Number of employees who have terminated employment with the business + average number of employees = % of employee turnover Number of employees hired to replace employees who have terminated employment with the business + average number of employees = % of employee turnover Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources Lesson 23.3 Employment Law Goals Describe several ways that employees are protected through federal and state employment legislation. Discuss the steps that government and businesses have taken to remove discrimination in employment opportunities. Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Laws that Regulate Employment Conditions and Benefits Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Social Security and Medicare Workers’ Compensation and Unemployment Insurance Family and Medical Leave Act Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources
Laws that Expand Employment Opportunities Civil Rights Act Equal Pay Act Age Discrimination in Employment Act Immigration Reform and Control Act Americans with Disabilities Act Chapter 23 Managing Human Resources