How do you learn? Exploring Learning Styles Module 7
Agenda Welcome and introductions Understanding learning styles What is your learning style? College Planning Checklist Summary
Welcome and introductions
Understanding learning styles
Do you know your learning style? Your learning style is the way that your brain processes information best Each person’s brain processes information a little differently Knowing your learning style can improve your learning effectiveness and academic performance
Learning styles There are three learning styles Auditory learning style: Learn by hearing Visual learning style: Learn by seeing Tactile (or kinesthetic) learning style: Learn by touching or doing
Auditory Learning Style Like to hear things said out loud Learn by hearing things or repeating things orally Enjoys music Has difficulty with written instructions Whispers to self when reading Enjoys discussions Prefers mnemonics (word links, rhymes, poems)
Visual Learning Style Likes to observe things rather than act or talk Likes to read Enjoys spelling Remembers faces Frequently doodles Notices details Likes to use study cards with colors Forms pictures in their mind
Tactile Learning Style Likes physical rewards Taps pencil or foot when studying Enjoys doing activities Likes to solve problems by physically working through them Uses hands while talking Likes to try new things Paces/walks while studying Likes role plays
What is your learning style?
Learning Styles Inventory Take a few minutes to complete the Learning Styles Inventory. Check the box that best describes how frequently the statement applies to you. There are no right or wrong answers. This is not a timed test. Use the Scoring Procedures to calculate your learning style preference.
Learning Styles Inventory Which learning style preference did you score the highest on? Does this answer surprise you? Did any two styles have a very close score? What does this indicate?
Learning Styles Inventory How can you use what you have learned today to change your study habits? Commit to practice at least two study techniques over the next month and be prepared to share what you have learned.
College planning checklist
College Planning Checklist Seniors Follow-up on your financial aid awards Make your final college choice and accept your admissions offer Finalize your housing arrangements Register for new student orientation Finish strong on your last set of classes Freshmen to juniors Don’t forget to finish strong on your classes Sign up for a summer camp or summer activity
Summary Understanding your learning style can help you improve your grades and be an effective learner Use learning strategies that are visual, auditory, or tactile Stay organized when studying for class by taking good notes and reading your textbook Ask your teacher for help if you are struggling with class materials
Questions and answers Thank you for attending!