Prepared By :-
Green marketing is defined as “environmental considerations integrated in all aspects of marketing”. By-‘Jacquelyn A Ottman’ Author of “GREEN MARKETING : Opportunity for innovation” The term also defined as “All activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs and wants such that these requirements meet with minimal detrimental input on the national environment”. By- ‘Michael J Polonsky ‘ Author of Books on “Environment and Green Marketing”
Jacquelyn A Ottman and others have described Green Marketing at 3 different levels :- Ecological Green Marketing Environmental Green Marketing Sustainable Green Marketing According to Peattie (2001), there are 3 phases :- MARKETING HOLISTIC NATURE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES
Green marketing is a remedy for mitigating climate change and global warming and it also give a competitive edge to others… Companies need to integrate this strategy in all the 4 P’s of marketing Not only develops green products but explain about the same to green consumers Considered as a visionary goal must be included in corporate strategy “WINING MANTRA”
Create awareness among customers about environmental issues Make the customers feel different by being eco friendly Believe that by practicing it, they will be helping the environment & mankind Make efforts to lower the difference between the benefits & pricing of green products v/s non green alternatives
Introduction of CNG in Delhi McDonald's using recycled paper Hewlett-Packard (HP) promised to cut its global energy uses 20% by 2010 Philips “super long life” bulb Canon introduced recycled photocopier paper
Green Marketing is still in its infancy. Green Products require Renewable & Recyclable products that are more expensive. Adoption of Green marketing may not be profitable sometimes in short-run, but those who first movers, will have competitive edge over the others in long-run.