9/22/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart School Technology and Readiness Chart A Tool for Planning and Self-Assessing
9/22/04 NCLB Title II Part D -Technology Literate Students by 8 th grade -Tech Apps TEKS -Technology Literate Teachers -SBEC Technology Standards -Technology across the curriculum by 06 -Tech Apps TEKS
9/22/04 Plan for Integrating Technology Teacher and Other Data District Campus e-Plan OOO Tech Apps TEKS NCLB LRPT
9/22/04 Financial Assistance e-Plan E-Rate $ Infrastructure NCLB Title II PartD $ Staff Development, Content, Evaluation
9/22/04 Evaluation Staff Development Content Infrastructure NCLB and E-Rate
9/22/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart Benchmark year Share tool with schools Encourage participation Get feedback Modify as needed
9/22/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart 4 Levels of Progress Early Tech Developing Tech Advanced Tech Target Tech 4 Focus Areas Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation Administration and Support Services Infrastructure for Technology
9/22/04 work collaboratively on complex authentic tasks communicate globally with peers and experts meet the Technology Applications TEKS
9/22/04 Meets 100% of SBEC Tech Apps Standards Is at the Invention stage of technology use Seamlessly and appropriately integrates technology consistently for student learning
9/22/04 just-in-time technical and instructional support six multimedia internet computers per classroom on-demand, anywhere, anytime access a variety of distance learning opportunities
9/22/04 Teacher STaR Chart special notes Principals and District Administrators will not be able to see individual teacher scores will be able to see average teacher scores
Technology Tool Dates Sept 1 Teacher STaR Chart (Target and TIP grantees) Nov 1 Teacher and Campus STaR Chart (General Availability) Jan 1 e-Plan approvals start Mar 31 Deadline for e-Plan for E-Rate May 31 Teacher STaR Chart closes June 30 Campus Chart and e-Plan close
9/22/04 District STaR Chart Coordinators –Attend STaR Chart Training at ESC –Update Teacher Names in Online System –Facilitate implementation STaR Chart Roles
9/22/04 Campus Principals 1.Attend STaR Chart Training at ESC 2.Verify teacher user names in Online System 3.Distribute STaR chart handouts to teachers 4. Share background and purpose of STaR Chart with teachers STaR Chart Roles
9/22/04 Campus Principals continued 5. Distribute STaR Chart usernames and directions for online chart to teachers 6. Complete Campus STaR chart 7. Develop Campus plan to reach Target Tech 8. Integrate these technology plans into Campus Improvement Plans
9/22/04 STaR Chart Roles Teachers –Attend Campus training session –Complete STaR chart online –Use STaR chart to plan and integrate technology –Participate in campus technology planning
9/22/04 Developed by Technology Planning and E-Rate Support Center ESC Region 12 in partnership with Texas Education Agency Educational Technology and ESC Region 10 September 22,