Telecare in Portsmouth- ‘Moving into the mainstream’. 27 th March 2008 CHAIN Event- Coventry 27 th March 2008 Health Improvement and Development Service Directorate of Health, Housing and Social Care
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 2 Entry (Re) assessment of need Care package development Home survey Telecare prescription & response protocol Equipment provision Installation and maintenance Monitoring Call handling Response Review Telecare Integrated service model Source: Barlow & Curry 2006 Social services Primary care Housing services Equipment suppliers Telecare service providers Acute care Social Housing landlords
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 3 Progress during PTG Yr1- 2 Telecare has been built on existing community alarm platform. Successful scheme with customers Initially Very small scale Alarm/call monitoring centre is in Southampton Partnership with University of Portsmouth to develop evaluation programme & initial pilot schemes: falls management and medication management in early dementia. Starting gradual roll-out as mainstream service, to all user groups, managing wider range of risks. Most mainstream referrals are for people with dementia & their carers
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 4 Progress during PTG yr 2 Set up shop front telecare demonstration/ marketing /assessment facility in partnership with Age Concern Portsmouth’s Bradbury Centre in North End Other demo areas fitted in day resources for Learning Disabilities and Physical Disabilities, Community Equipment Service Fitting telecare in Intermediate Care / Step-down facility and 6 rehab flats Awareness raising with staff, vol. orgs & community groups Use of Telecare in other environments such as schools
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 5 Progress during PTG yr 2 Integrate with existing systems, eg SWIFT & care pathways All new social care assessments screened for Telecare potential Panel requiring evidence of Telecare assessment Ensuring telecare is included in joint commissioning strategies and local service development plans. Operational engagement with PCT in a number of areas e.g. telecare included with joint equipment review. Telecare assessor training for front line staff Nov & Jan, Mar regular training programme – bi-monthly Testing dementia tracking devices prior to pilot phase in 2008 Using PCT led Vascular Prevention Programme (VPP): Risk & Lifestyle work stream for developing a telehealth pilot
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 6 Challenges Competing initiatives within Health, Social Care and Housing Range of stakeholders Strategic engagement of PCT Joint investment Whole system change – not an isolated new service, needs to be integrated into health/care pathways – should be catalyst for change leading to whole system working Leadership – need for committed leaders at a senior level, to champion Telecare and advocate for sustainable, mainstream service. Absence of a 24X365 mobile response service remains single biggest gap
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 7 Structure Customer Funding Charge Workforce development, technology procurement, marketing and S ales, no clear structure yet- PCC in house lead Installation and Servicing existing PCC in house Community Alarm team, Homecheck Monitor contracted to 3 rd party (currently Southampton ) Response based on developing current Independent Living Service (+ role for LAH Concierge and ESO standby teams) NHS Specialist medical responses Community alarm (silver) Community alarm (gold) Sheltered housing Social Care packages New Existing NHS & Social packages NHS medical care G Fund – Community Housing HRAG Fund - Social Services NHS Charge to clientService charge FAB Assessment Free at point of delivery
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 8 Telecare in Portsmouth- in numbers Community alarm customers Sheltered Housing clients Falls Pilot = 13 Medication Management pilot = 6 (still recruiting) Other stand-alone AT = 13 Current mainstream telecare users = 47 Frontline mulit-agency staff assessor trained as of March 2008= 77 Growth in mainstream referral numbers (last 4months): Dec 07 = 13, Jan 08 = 20, Feb 08 = 28, Mar 08 (up to 25th) = 21 Sources of referrals: Social Work/Care Manager = 64.7%, OT/OTA = 13.5%, Physio = 2.7%, Community Alarms = 8%, Self/Family = 9.5%, Other agencies = 1.6% 53% of existing social care packages could benefit from a Telecare intervention. £1800pa average potential saving on individual care packages
9 Key lessons learnt The technology is only as good as the infrastructure that supports it Telecare = 20% technology, 80% people Telecare must be integrated into existing health and community care pathways Response protocols must be as tailored to the individual as the technology package
Putting People First Portsmouth City Council 10 For further details on Telecare implementation in Portsmouth, please contact: Jonathan Smith- Deputy Head Health Improvement & Development Service (HIDS) Or Rosanne Brown Telecare Co-ordinator Health Improvement and Development Service (HIDS) Directorate of Health, Housing & Social Care Portsmouth City Council Tel: