UNDERSTANDING MARKETS n Conduct a market analysis
WHY A MARKET ANALYSIS? n It helps in the determination of attractiveness of a market. n It helps in understanding the dynamics of the market.
COMPONENTS OF A MARKET ANALYSIS n Actual / Potential Market Size n Market Growth and Profitability n Distribution Systems n Trends and Developments n Key Success Factors
ACTUAL / POTENTIAL MARKET SIZE n Total sales n Potential sales
MARKET GROWTH n What will be the market’s size in the future? n What forces “drive” or impact the market?
FORECASTING MARKET GROWTH n Commonly Used Qualitative Techniques –Trend Extrapolation MediaFutures/forecasting.html n Identification of leading indicators
LEADING INDICATORS n New orders of durable goods n Index of net business formations n Corporate profits after taxes n New building permits (private) n Change in manufacturing inventories n Contracts and orders for plant & equipment n Change in consumer installment debt
FORECASTING MARKET GROWTH n Experience of analogous industries (Analogy Method) n Delphi Technique
MARKET MATURITY / DECLINE n Price pressure caused by overcapacity or lack of product differentiation n Buyer sophistication n Growth of substitute products n No apparent growth sources n Customer disinterest
MARKET PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS n PORTER’S MODEL –Rivalry among competitors –Potential entrants –Substitute products –Bargaining power of customers –Bargaining power of suppliers
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS n What are the alternative distribution channels? n What are the trends? n Who has the power in the channel?
MARKET TRENDS n What are the trends? –it helps us to focus on change –it tends to identify what is important n Example: Food Industry – l# Executive Summary
KEY SUCCESS FACTORS n These are the critical assets and skills that provide the bases for competing successfully n Example: Chemi-Dansk – chemidansk/ksf.html
KEY SUCCESS FACTORS n Strategic necessities n Strategic strengths
KEY SUCCESS FACTORS n Which are most critical today? n Which will be critical in the future?
MARKET ANALYSIS-- Summary n We conduct a market analysis to determine market attractiveness and to understand its dynamics. n We conduct a market analysis along seven factors (market size, growth, profitability, trends, costs, distribution, KSF’s).
“The key to failure is trying to please everybody.” (Fortune Cookie)
CUSTOMER NEED n Understand customer needs! n Business strategy can be based on the certainty that needs exist n Key is to expose/discover non- obvious needs
MARKET EMERGENCE n Needs - Market Opportunity - Market Emergence n Must be able to measure market size and market potential
DEFINING MARKET BOUNDARIES n The crux of any strategy formulation is market definition n Can define in terms of –products (home cooking appliance market) –technology (gas, electricity, microwave) –customer functions (bake, roast, fry,...) –customer group (contractors, households)
SERVED MARKET n Should the business serve the entire market or limit itself to serving part of it? n Pages 112 / 113 present a list of factors that may impact selection of served market(s)
CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION n What niches exist within the marketplace? n What opportunities are there that are not being met?
SEGMENTATION n divide a heterogeneous market into homogeneous groups n “The process of placing customers into subgroups so that the buyers in a segment will respond similarly to a particular marketing strategy” (Cravens, 1996)
SEGMENTATION n Market segmentation is warranted when: –market is homogeneous –number of consumers is large –consumers are accessible with particular media and distribution channels –size and consumer characteristics can be measured
SEGMENTATION n Consumer markets: –Demographic descriptors –Geography –Lifestyles (VALS) –Product Usage Rates –Benefits Sought
SEGMENTATION n Business-to-business markets: –NAIC’s htm –Geography –Customer Size –Product Uses
SEGMENTATION n Outcomes: –divide the large mass market into small, similar groups –describe and profile each market
FROM THE TEXT n Pages 101 to 119