Joint assessment of demersal species WG demersal spp Sept Graham Pilling Cefas
Aims Progress in the enhancement of joint practical stock assessment “Joint” – “participation of scientists from different GSAs providing their data and sharing them with their colleagues, using a standard methodology and analyzing together the results and options for fisheries management”
What did we do? Discussion of biological parameters Development of new stock assessments Discussion of reference points
Discussion of biological params No conclusions –Use of a ‘standard’ set of parameters for a spp. –Area-specific parameters
Perform joint stock assessments Many assessments pre-performed & discussed New data available for GSA03 for hake –Survey data time series –Use of SURBA Data for hake for GSA16 –Survey data time series Data for hake for GSA01 –Use of SURBA Data for sole for GSA17 –Use of SURBA – insufficient time series Discussion of GSA24 hake data (presented)
Hake in GSA-03
Use of SURBA for assessment of survey time series SURBA – based on tracking cohorts –Requires age data –We have length frequency data
Implications Age-slicing to estimate age distribution open to uncertainty Assuming constant growth Ability of SURBA to track resulting ‘cohorts’ is compromised
SURBA results - F
SURBA results - SSB
Discussion Preliminary assessment only Model diagnostics suggest considerable uncertainty VIT analysis (on survey data only NOTE) suggests F 2007 ~1.1 Is it better to use swept area estimates?
Hake in GSA 01 Preliminary assessment Very early stages – data completed today
SURBA results - F
SURBA results - SSB
Discussion Preliminary assessment only Need to look at underlying age/length structure to understand
Hake in GSA 16 Run on MEDITS data Used SURBA for GSA16
SURBA results - F
SURBA results - SSB
Discussion F from SURBA close to that from LCA
Reference points General discussion on reference points as a basis for definition of ‘fully exploited’, ‘overexploited’ etc.
ICES framework Advice given vs limit and precautionary ref points Moving towards targets (e.g. WSSD MSY requirements) Approach currently incompatible with GFCM data (SRR and data time series requirements) Values have not changed for years, while biology may
Summary of discussions Overall aim: avoid stock collapse and recruitment impairment YPR-based methods cannot identify recruitment overfishing F max does not inform about recruitment overfishing Growth overfishing – a political choice? (new mesh size rules may help)
Summary of discussions Role is to supply advice to managers –Alternative future management options and their consequences, on which managers can make a decision
Summary of discussions Discussion of reference directions, rather than reference points –Hilborn et al. suggestions Aim for improvement in the situation for the stock, and the fishery Works in a multispecies context?
Summary of discussions Provocative suggestion of: –Aim for reductions in effort required to double SSB Needs to be on a case-by-case basis (different biology, fishing practices, etc.) Scientific justification for recommendations
Summary of discussions Need to be discussed in collaboration with managers –If they want an improvement in the situation, then need to agree the basis –Stock assessment scientists provide advice based upon the best scientific information available Don’t forget to simulation test!
Did ‘joint’ WG meet ToR? Yes –New assessments (GSA 01, 03, 16) –Attempt for Sole in GSA 17 –Assessments reviewed –Familiarity with SURBA gained along with understanding of limitations –Basis for future analyses of MEDITS data –Reference point issues discussed
Did ‘joint’ WG meet ToR? No –Assessments performed before the meeting –Limited updates of presented assessments –Data not necessarily available at the meeting –Quality of most ‘new’ assessments too low for management advice