AIAA Technical Committees and their Activities Updated on 18 February 2009
2 What exactly IS a TC? Started as Editorial Advisory Boards for IAS early 1950s Technical Committees for ARS late 1950s A group of individuals with common interests who get together to exchange knowledge and get to know their colleagues from around the world. Networking - one of AIAAs core strengths.
3 Organization Divided in 7 Groups Aerospace Design & Structures Aerospace Sciences Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems Engineering & Technology Management Information Systems Propulsion & Energy Space & Missiles
4 Organization contd Creation Champion Community Scope Check for duplication Approved by TAC New Initiatives Subcommittee and then TAC
5 Membership 35 regular members: 50 members total No individual limit on international, associate, or alumni members Total of these three categories cannot exceed 15 Good mix of govt, industry, academia YPS if possible; gender mix if possible * Associate members – 34 or younger
6 Technical Activities 70 TCs actively participate in conference planning 11 Program Committees An average of conferences per year with most being supported by a TC/PC. Short courses Books - Design Guide, Launch Guide Standards Journal reviewers, assoc editors Highlights Issue of Aerospace America
Awards Presented During Technical Conferences 40 Technical Awards 5 Publication Awards Up to 20 Sustained Service Awards 5 AIAA Foundation Education Awards Approximately 33 Best Paper Certificate of Merit Student Best Paper Certificate of Merit/Paper Competitions MDO, AFM, Aeroacoustics, Jefferson Goblet, SDM etc. AIAA Foundation Graduate/Undergraduate Scholarships Air Breathing, Propellants/Combustion, GNC 7
Committee Activities Charter Succession Plan Subcommittees - administrative & technical Handbook/manual Website Liaisons Training 8
External Activities CVD Occasional section activities Participation with other societies GNC - American Controls Conference Life Sciences - Intl Conference on Environmental Systems V/STOL - Intl Powered Lift Conference Astrodynamics - Conference with AIAA and AAS Digital Avionics Systems Conference Student Activities Design/Build/Fly 9
Fun Stuff Historic Sites Bowl-a-Rama Reprint of Books Space Camp Book Raffles Newsletters K-12 Activities Educational Survey International Meetings Members in the News 10
OK, so whats a PC? Started as advisors to TAC Did not have formal committee Some started functioning as committees Needed to be official Finalized September
More info on PCs Similar to TC Scope activities Quick to be created Finite life span Specific program No limit on members Not required to be AIAA members Some TCs should probably be PCs 12