Does this ever happen to you?
Public life getLife (char* yourName) { return yourLife; }
c:/> run getLife( ) _. running....
ERROR:“null pointer exception” (but it’s ok… Chuck Norris can dereference null pointers)
Get-a- LIFE created by: Chester Chan, Jessan Hutchison-Quillian, Zinnia Zheng
Purpose Get a life… oFind events Connect with friends Suggest based on interests oOrganize schedule Daily activities
We’re special oSuggest activities to do Sorted by user rating, interests, time, location, etc. oRate users Event quality Event reliability oCategorize events Interests oDaily schedule
Other People – Facebook
Other People – MySpace
US again!!
Feature List PRIORITYFEATURES oEssentialSuggest events User account (interest list, basic schedule) Rate users who post events oHighAbility to add recurring events (weekly, monthly etc.) Friend list oMediumPlan friend-only events Interest group oLowVarious visualization formats for the schedule Privacy settings Interfacing with other programs
Web Frameworks oLoosely coupled components Testability Scalability oCode separate from web pages oJDBC o“Friendly” URLs oListener methods oUser input validation oException reporting But high learning curve…
System Flowchart
Development Stages o1o1.5-2 weeks after LCA First set of features: database designed and working, able to create a user and edit their schedule and add events to the database. Very basic GUI. Begin testing. o1o1 week Able to create and edit list of interests and have the event suggestion query/display working. After this, and having some idea of the pace of development, settle on final set of features. o1o1 week Work on implementing features, have GUI complete as much as possible with “dummy” spots for features planned but not implemented yet. Begin documentation. o1o1 week Have features done, all remaining effort on testing and finishing documentation.
Feasibility oStandard practice oEffective development practices Staged delivery Continuous testing
Don’t hesitate
Get-a- LIFE