Society & Aerospace Technology TC Summer/Fall Meeting September 27, 2011 Jarret M. Lafleur Chair, Bradley A. Steinfeldt Vice Chair, Christopher M. Hearsey Secretary,
Agenda Dinner Call to Order and TC Member Introductions SAT TC in Context News and Information Action Requests ETM Performance Appraisal of SAT TC TC Survey Results and Discussion Review Action Items Adjourn 2
3 SAT TC in Context The Role of a TC (from TC Chair Training) Add value for AIAA Members, the Institute, and the Aerospace Industry Support AIAA Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan Represent Technical Area for and on behalf of AIAA Provide Technical Forum/Products that serve your constituency Reach out to/Coordinate with appropriate TCs, PCs, and Standing Committees of AIAA Develop synergistic activities (e.g. Conferences, Working Groups, etc.) Solicit Regional / Local Involvement
SAT TC in Context The Role of a TC (from AIAA Website) AIAA Technical Committees (TCs) bring together experts in their fields and given them the opportunity to exchange knowledge and get to know their colleagues from around the globe. These committees participate in numerous activities: they develop and administer over 20 technical conferences each year; conduct professional development courses, produce books, and work with K-12 students to promote an interest in engineering education. And thats just the start. The TCs also honor technical leadership through Technical and Best Paper awards; serve as journal and book reviewers ; formulate technology assessment packages for the non-technical public, and even develop and judge college student design contests. 4
5 SAT TC in Context Industry (Small Bus.) Not-For-Profit R&D Academia Industry (Larg Bus.) Government Aerospace Community AIAA TAC SAT TC ETM GROUP OTHER TCs OTHER GROUPS OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES ( Publications, Public Policy, Finance, etc.) Vol. & Elected Leaders AIAA STAFF
SAT TC in Context SAT TC Charter Statement The SAT TC focuses on (1) how aerospace technology and techniques help solve critical societal challenges and improve quality of life, and (2) understanding interactions between the aerospace enterprise and broader social and cultural trends 6
SAT TC in Context SAT TC Membership 29 Members 7 Student (24.1%) 8 Members (27.6%) 7 Senior Members (24.1%) 6 Associate Fellows (20.7%) 1 Fellow (3.4%) Average Length of Service in TC: 4.4 years Minimum = 0 years, Maximum= 24 years, Median = 2 years 7 Diversity of Affiliations 12 Academic (41.4%) 10 Industry (34.5%) 5 Government (17.2%)
News and Information SAT Space 2011 Future Delta Forum Rotation Future Conference Consolidation Efforts Highlights Article 8
News and Information SAT Space 2011 Meetings SAT Technical Committee Dinner Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 27, , Hyatt Regency, Shoreline B Astrosociology Subcommittee Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 28, , Convention Center Room 103B Sessions Delta Forum: Averting Disaster on Earth Using Space Technology : Wednesday, Sept. 28, , Convention Center Room 102B Space and Society: Thursday, Sept. 29, , Convention Center Room 202A 9
News and Information Future Delta Forum Rotation Delta Forum is a panel session on an ETM-related topic held twice per year, at ASM and Space 20XX. Top ideas for future Delta Forum management/leadership: – Option 1: SATTC remains home for the Delta Forum but each ETM TC/PC provides a POC to support planning and execution. – Option 2: Rotate the leadership for the Delta Forum through each ETM TC/PC. (Preferred, in work) SATTC will lead the Delta Forum for ASM Space 2012 will likely be the first impacted by this change. Future Conference Consolidation Efforts (TBD) 10
News and Information 11 Society and Aerospace Technology by Jarret Lafleur and Bradley Steinfeldt On September 15, 2011, a small NASA team of two medical doctors, a psychologist, and an engineer accepted one of just nine annual Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals (also known as Sammies ) presented nationwide. Why? The team, comprised of Michael Duncan, J.D. Polk, Al Holland, and Clint Cragg, was awarded the National Security and International Affairs Medal for its ability to bring the expertise that the U.S. has gained through decades of spaceflight experience to the problem of rescuing 33 miners trapped some 2,000 feet under the Chilean desert. This demonstration of the aerospace industry s ability to assist society and project goodwill across the globe has not been an isolated occurrence over the past year. Aerospace professionals and the technology the industry has provided have assisted in providing a ready stream of data to aid in the prediction or response to major natural disasters (such as the Australian floods, Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and major tornado outbreaks in Alabama and Missouri). The industry has also made possible bold new efforts like the Internet-based Satellite Sentinel Project, which uses high-resolution satellite imagery to monitor and make public within 1-2 days possible human rights violation activity along the tense border between northern and southern Sudan (or, as of July 2011, Sudan and the new nation of South Sudan). Plus, the International Space Station (ISS) continues to operate as a national laboratory with capabilities available nowhere on Earth. Experiments and research, like the Recombinant Attenuated Salmonella Vaccine investigation that launched on STS-135, are always on the agenda. NASA s recently-formed Office of the Chief Technologist also released the annual issue of Spinoff, highlighting 49 benefits to society spun off from ISS, telescope and deep space exploration, satellite, space transportation, astronaut life support, and aeronautics technologies. These benefits covered the gamut of health and medicine (stronger hip implants, cranial pressure monitoring techniques), transportation (air traffic management, helicopter noise reduction), public safety (icing detection, parachutes for small airplanes), consumer goods (extreme temperature insulation, plant-growth targeted LEDs), environmental resources (real-time water quality analysis, groundwater remediation), computer technology (fluid dynamics modeling, verification tools for online shopping and banking), and industrial productivity (lightweight composite materials, deformable mirrors). This year also brought about the retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet and, with it, a decision on the final museum locations for the remaining orbiters: Discovery, the oldest and world s most- flown spacecraft, will be displayed by the Smithsonian s National Air and Space Museum at its Udvar-Hazy Center located near the Washington Dulles International Airport. Endeavour will be given to the California Science Center in Los Angeles. Atlantis will remain in Florida at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Enterprise, its name a direct example of the impact that society can have on aerospace technology, will be transferred to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York City. These orbiters will no doubt help inspire the next generation of engineers to push the envelope of aeronautical and astronautical possibilities. With the Shuttle retired and no domestic capability for launching astronauts to orbit, a question weighing on the minds of many is simply, What s next? Some may even wonder, Will we leave Earth orbit in my lifetime? It may be a surprise to many that six men already have … sort of. As part of an elaborate $15 million experiment called Mars500, a diverse team with members from Russia, Europe, and China has volunteered to spend 520 days isolated from the rest of the world in a 550 m ³ facility in Moscow on a simulated mission to the Red Planet. With 20-minute communication delays, the crew must be completely self-reliant. This highlights just one example of how the aerospace industry can benefit from interactions with the sociology and psychology communities. Interested in the results? Then stay tuned. The crew is set to return to Earth on November 4, Highlights Article
Action Requests Conferences Biannual Newsletter Night Rover AIAA Awards End-of-Year Secretary Election Interest in CVD Meeting 12
Action Requests ASM 2012 (C. Hearsey) TBD SPACE 2012 (B. Steinfeldt) Session requests/suggestions Paper reviewers Student paper competition reviewers SDI&T 2012 Conference (C. Mai) Keynote speaker suggestions Paper reviewers ASM 2013 SAT TC lead SPACE 2013 SAT TC lead 13 Upcoming Conferences
Action Requests Biannual Newsletter Take a look at the Fall 2011 newsletter (available in hard copy at Space 2011 or electronically at /SATTC/). /SATTC/ Consider writing an article for the Winter 2012 issue! 14
Action Requests Night Rover: Overview The Night Rover Challenge asks teams to demonstrate a solar-powered, robotic exploration vehicle that can gather enough energy during a lunar day to continuously operate throughout the sheer darkness of a lunar night. NASA will award a $1.5 million prize purse to the winning team(s). The program will include: 8 qualifying events across the country. A final exposition and rover race through simulated lunar terrain to select the winning vehicle that goes the furthest, fastest on its own stored energy. A year-round educational program with both online and offline games, workshops, and competitions for high school and university students. A national public outreach campaign to universities, organizations, and communities. 15
Action Requests Night Rover: Technical Committee Details The Night Rover Challenge Technical Committee is responsible for developing the rules, team agreement criteria, and judging process for the competition. The technical committee requirements are be divided into two phases: (1) Rules Development, (2) Judging. Ideally Technical Committee members will participate in both phases, but if unable to commit to both, members can participate in one or the other. 16
Action Requests Night Rover: Technical Committee Details Leading experts in solar energy, battery technology, energy efficiency, robotics, or lunar science will be invited to the Night Rover Technical Committee. Committee members will be expected to: Phase 1: Rules Development Participate in a workshop in the fall of 2011 to draft rules and judging process for the Night Rover Challenge. Review public comment on draft rules and participate in online meetings to finalize the Night Rover rules and judging processes by February
Action Requests Night Rover: Technical Committee Details Phase 2: Judging Be available through an online Q&A process to respond to public inquires about the Night Rover Challenge rules. Serve as a qualifying Judge in the fall of 2012 by attending 1 or more of 8 qualifying events across the country (or appoint an alternate in your place). Attend 1 Finalist Summit in 2013 (or appoint an alternate in your place). Attend the Final Night Rover Race in the Spring of 2013 where you will: Participate in applicable media interviews and activities Check team rovers for compliance to all Night Rover rules. Score teams on the final judging criteria. Provide NASA and the Night Rover management team with the final recommendation on the winner of the Night Rover Challenge based upon all criteria. 18
Action Requests Night Rover: Technical Committee Details Technical Committee members will be compensated during the competition/judging phase (phase 2 above) of the program (February April 2013). Committee members will also be profiled on the Night Rover Challenge site providing value to their host institutions. Note: Night Rover Challenge has no problem with NASA employees being on Technical Committee. 19
Action Requests AIAA Awards (typ. July 1 nomination deadlines) Gardner-Lasser Aerospace History Literature Award History Manuscript Award Children's Literature Award End-of-Year Secretary Election New Member Nominations Interest in CVD Meeting Michael Fulda volunteered to help coordinate a SAT TC meeting in conjunction with CVD (March 2012) Interest among Committee Members Present? 20
ETM Group Annual Report 21 CAESEconHistoryLA3TCMSATTCSETCVDD PC Administrative Annual ReportU U X UY YY Roster X X X YY Y Y ETM Telecons (8 held) Meetings0 3 2 (?) 1322 & t/cs Operations Awards Conferences Education PublicationsAA NL/webAA/HB/JoA Public Policy Standards Liaison Activities TC/PC Interaction Section Interaction non-AIAA interaction Y: completed U: updated info but no report X: incomplete Primary focus area Secondary area Minimal support No activity/ no data
ETM Group Annual Report (May 2010-April 2011) 22 CAESEconHistoryLA3TCMSATTCSETCVDD PC Administrative Annual ReportU U X UY YY Roster X X X YY Y Y ETM Telecons (8 held) Meetings0 3 2 (?) 1322 & t/cs Operations Awards Conferences Education PublicationsAA NL/webAA/HB/JoA Public Policy Standards Liaison Activities TC/PC Interaction Section Interaction non-AIAA interaction Y: completed U: updated info but no report X: incomplete Primary focus area Secondary area Minimal support No activity/ no data Prior leadership team has positioned SAT TC well in terms of metrics considered to be important by the ETM (and TAC) team
SAT TC Member Survey Results Results compiled from responses from an activities and interests survey sent out to SAT TC members in July 2011 (results current as of 25 September 2011) Purpose of the survey: Get to know the vast skills and capabilities of TC members Understand reasonable commitment level of TC members Identify weaknesses within the TC Shape future TC initiatives 23
Survey Results: Demographics 24
Survey Results: Articles and Presentations 25 ACTION: SAT TC members are expected contribute at least once per year to an article or a group presentation
Survey Results: Monthly Commitment Levels 26 ACTION: SAT TC leadership needs to identify ways to match the expended effort of members with their willingness to be involved
Survey Results: Potential Commitment Levels 27
Survey Results: Potential Commitment Levels 28 Support for traditional TC activities (conference support, recruitment, etc.) is strong while further development is required before the TC can effectively engage in newer (e.g., STEM Outreach) activities.
Survey Results: Suggested Focus Areas Enhanced collaboration and cooperation between the SAT TC and other TCs within TAC Develop general knowledge of our TCs core competencies and domains (e.g., SAT TC handbook) Develop hard products that are distributable to the public at large Spinoffs/Technology Transfer handbook Astrosociology handbook Expand knowledge and awareness of Astrosociology 29
Plans Already In Motion SPACE 20XX Student Paper Competition Collaboration with LAAATC and HISTC (Space History, Society, and Policy Track) to roll out the first student paper competition at the SPACE 20XX conference series Tentative Details First competition: SPACE 2012 Treated as a normal technical session paper (normal paper process, just with additional requirements to be considered for judging) Judged by TC members based solely on technical merit of paper submitted ~3 weeks before normal conference deadline $750 prize + certificate Brad Steinfeldt acting as conference administrator Will need YOUR help in judging the paperslook for future s 30
Plans Already In Motion Aerospace Pocket Guide by Mike Grant Start of a Technology Transfer Handbook 31
Plans Already In Motion One-hour teleconference every two months starting in November (toll-free call) Look for soliciting scheduling information Objectives: –Provide more effective communication mechanism from TC leadership to you –Familiarize each other with expertise (20-30 minute presentations) –Provide venue for the technical exchange of ideas pertinent to the TC Reviewing Astrosociology Coverage in International Space Settlement Design Competition Space Hotel or Settlement Undergraduate Design Competition? 32
Open Discussion: What Else Can We Do? What efforts should SAT TC focus on in the near term? Examples: Distributable material to increase awareness of aerospace in society Increased awareness of SAT TC goals and purpose through an SAT TC handbook Increase number of meetings, e.g., at CVD? What efforts should SAT TC focus on in the long term? Examples: Establishment of an SAT Conference Workshops/Shortcourses 33
Discussion 34
Review of Action Items 35