Green Engineering PC Committee Meeting 29 April 2011 Jason Slagle Valerie Lyons
2 Agenda Review and approve minutes Meeting Rhythm Website Membership Roster Recent activities 2011 Activity Plan Organization New business
3 Charter The purpose of the Green Engineering Program Committee (GEPC) is to promote a holistic, systems approach to improved energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy and cradle-to- cradle design. GEPC serves as the AIAA focal point for all green aerospace-related programs and technologies, and works synergistically with the appropriate technical committees to assure that the AIAA membership is adequately informed about all aspects of this critical aerospace activity.
4 GEPC Meeting Rhythm Past Meetings ASM 2009 Green Energy Technology Working Group Kickoff JPC/IECEC 2009 Green Engineering Working Group Meeting October 2009 Green Engineering Working Group Meeting ASM 2010 Green Engineering Working Group Meeting July 2010 Green Engineering Working Group meeting JPC/IECEC 2010 Green Engineering Program Committee proposal ASM 2011 Green Engineering Program Committee meeting GEPC holds face-to-face meetings at ASM and JPC/IECEC Additional meetings (telecons) are held in April and October Future Meetings April 2011 Telecon on 29 April 2011 JPC / IECEC Face-to-face meeting at JPC / IECEC conference October 2011 Telecon on 28 October 2011 ASM 2012 Face-to-face meeting at ASM conference
5 GEPC Website Calendar of events and all files are available on website Looking for a good webmaster
6 GEPC Membership Roster Jason Slagle (Co-Chair) Valerie Lyons (Co-Chair) Ashwani Gupta Anthony Gross Bob Winn Craig Day Stephen Johnson Raymond Best Michael Piszczor Danielle Soban Roger Hartman Nathan Hicks Michael Heil Franz-Josef Uahlen Satish Mohleji Essam Khalil Bill Lear Robert Dougherty Bruce Walker Ramkumar Parthasarathy Subramanyam Gollahalli Peter Hollingsworth Harout Ayvazian David Lilley Eliza Sheppard 37 members...and growing! Need to encourage involvement from YPs Dyna Benchergui Richard Wahls D. R. Reddy Islam Ahmed Anthony Watts John Murray Albert Glassman Marty Bradley Rebecca Somers Henry Molintas Keith Blodgett Keiichi Okai
7 7 Example PC Member Expectations Stay in Communication: · Attend your appropriate subcommittee/working group meetings (reference matrix on roster workbook) · Notify PC and Subcommittee Chairs if you are unable to attend · Notify PC Secretary of changes in phone, , etc. Participate Actively: · In any combination of two subcommittees, conferences, or working groups · Be the major contributor/leader of at least one of these activities Provide Support As: · Conference Session Chair (Annually) · Reviewer for Outstanding Papers · PC Mentor · Contributor to PC Newsletter · Contributor to AA Highlights article When the Opportunity Arises: · Submit PC Member Nomination
8 GEPC Recent Activities Identified liaisons for various related committees Recruited members from the Technical Committees Coordinated sessions for conferences (ASM, JPC, etc.) Reviewed and contributed to two Key Issues for the Public Policy Committee Reviewed and contributed to two information papers for the Public Policy Committee Supported briefing sessions for Congressional Visits Day (CVD) Authored a year-in-review article for Aerospace America Submitted annual report covering GEPC status and activities Hosted an Invited Session for ASM 2011 – A Systems View of Energy Efficiency Hosted AIAA Robert M. Losey Award lecture (recipient – Patrick Minnis) Successfully transitioned to a Program Committee…off to a good start
9 Identified a liaison to the Public Policy Committee Worked integrally with the new PPC Energy & Environment Subcommittee Reviewed and contributed to two Key Issues and information papers for the Public Policy Committee 1. Climate Monitoring 2. Alternative Fuels & Energy Efficient Aviation Systems Public Policy / Congressional Visits Day
GEPC Activities Submit completed annual report by Jan 25th Create sessions for JPC and other TBD conferences Complete TAC committee self assessment spreadsheet Recruit members from the related Technical Committees Author a year-in-review article for Aerospace America Characterize key challenges for green in the aerospace industry Coordinate sessions for conferences (ASM, JPC, etc.) Review and contribute to Key Issues for the Public Policy Committee Others??? Complete activities list with brainstorming list
11 AIAA Hawaii Conference Co-sponsoring three sessions · The Science Underpinning Aviation Impacts on the Environment · Aerodynamic Efficiency and Laminar Flow · Technology Addressing Aviation Impacts on the Environment June in Honolulu
12 AIAA JPC / IECEC Conference IECEC Theme: · Government, Academia and Industry Working Together Towards Clean Energy JPC Theme: · Turning Propulsion Ideas into Reality Sponsoring panel session on Alternative Fuels and Sustainable Energy Systems · Need session chair
13 What do you want to get out of this committee? What are the top three activities the PC should focus on in the next year? See Excel spreadsheet for results GEPC Exercises from our last meeting
14 Example TC/PC Organization (Chair Down) Chairman (YOU) Secretary Membership Committee Liaison Activities Standards Student Activities Conferences Publications Awards Public Policy Procedures Committee Education Steering Committee Vice Chairman or Chair-Elect Focus Area Subcommittee Focus Area Subcommittee Standard/Guide WG Technical Panel Short Course WG Position Paper WG Technical Panels/Working Groups
15 Around the Room Any new business items?
17 CRITERIA A. Effectiveness of existing TC B. TAC governance C. LiaisonsD. No. of TC meetings each year and how active are the TC members E. Special tasks by TC METRIC ITEMS FOR EACH TC EVALUATION A 1. Membership balance analysis A 2. Create/update a charter A 3. Number of foreign members (optional) B 1. Succession planning B 2. Training C 1. AIAA TCs C 2. Local or Regional AIAA Chapters C 3. Other Professional Organizations ( i.e. SAE, ASME, etc. ) D 1. No. of Members that attend D 2. No. of TC members that actively work on your TC subcommittees E 1. Professional short courses E 2. Higher Educational Programs (Graduate and Undergraduate) E 3. K-12 Educational Programs E 4. Community Programs Publications: E 5. Books E 6. Design Guides E 7. News letters/Bulletins E 8. Journal Articles E 9. AIAA papers E 10. Aerospace America Articles Awards/Scholarships: E 11. Student (Graduate & Undergraduate) E 12. Young Engineers E 13. Lifetime achievement E 14. AIAA service Congress Contact: E 15. Participate in Congressional Day Visit Importance order No. of Metric Items 2 plus 1 Optional Item Points per Metric Item Max Value of Metrics 10 plus 5 Optional Max Percentage Evaluation Metric 7 plus 2% extra29510 TOTAL = 92.5 TC: GEPC A. 15 pointsB. 10 pointsC. 15 pointsD. 7.5 pointsE. 45 points Percent Eval each TC Total = 77% Green Engineering PC