+ Faculty Orientation UAMS BioVentures September 23, 2015 Christopher A. Fasel Associate Director of Licensing Patent Attorney UAMS BioVentures
+ What is UAMS BioVentures? Technology Licensing Office Market and License UAMS intellectual property to established businesses (Licensees). Ensure Licensees develop technologies quickly to benefit the public. Bring profits to Inventors and the University. Business Incubator Support and advise companies started by UAMS inventors. Connect companies with local business leaders and entrepreneurs. Office and Lab spaces.
+ BioVentures’ 2 Primary Functions: License UAMS Technologies – Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, & Trade Secrets Develop Businesses Based on UAMS Technologies
+ Steps to Market: Researchers or Practitioners have an idea with reasonable feasibility. 1) Invention Submit the Invention to the Patent Committee via Invention Disclosure Form (at BioVentures.uams.edu).BioVentures.uams.edu 2) Invention Disclosure UAMS files a Patent, Copyright, or Trademark application to protect the invention. 3) IP Filing Submit manuscripts for publication, if desired. Publishing before Disclosing can lead to loss of patent. 4) Publication Proof of concept, refining of invention, and FDA or other regulatory approvals if required. 5) Trials/Development By a UAMS startup company or an existent company which licenses the technology. 6) Marketing
+ Invention to Commercialization: The Overview 2. Invention Disclosure 1. Research 5. Licensing 4. Patent Application 3. Invention Assessment (Patent Committee) 6. Development 7. Commercialization Public Funding Private Funding Inventors, Department, & University Research Agreement Materials Transfer Agreement Confidentiality Agreement Evaluation and Option Agreement Sales and Service Agreement License Agreement Royalties $ Milestones $ Fees $
+ Invention Disclosures at UAMS Invention Disclosure Form – Notifies UAMS that an invention has been made. Begins the evaluation process. Patent and Copyright Committee – Inventors discuss the invention with the Committee during a Friday afternoon meeting. The Committee evaluates the invention based upon protectability (e.g., patentability), marketability, value, and developmental stage. Decision to File – If the Committee finds the invention protectable and valuable, UAMS will file a patent application or other protection, in the US or internationally. If the Committee does not feel the invention meets the threshold of patentability and marketability, or is the invention is not ready, the inventors will be given rights to continue development on their own. Assignment – Inventors assign rights to the invention to the University of Arkansas, as required by Federal Statute governing inventions made using Federal research dollars. Development & Marketing – The invention is licensed to a UAMS startup company or an outside company for further development, regulatory testing, production, and marketing. Profits – Through royalties and fees, UAMS receives money from the marketing of the invention, and distributes the profits to the inventor, the inventor’s department, and the University.
+ BioVentures Life Science Incubator Faculty/Inventor Resource – for company formation and acquiring SBIR or STTR grant funding and private funding. Assistance with business plan drafting and networking.Introduction to management resources to run the business.Networks to assist with financing and growth of the business.Intellectual Property advice and assistance.Low-cost wet lab and office space free from conflicts of interest.
+ Contact Us: Mike Douglas Christopher Fasel Ben Wofford Phone: S. Cedar St. At the corner of 4 th and Cedar on the East side of campus