Pharmacology- Study of science that deals with the study of therapeutic agents Pharmacodynamics- study of the action of drugs on living tissue Pharmacy- Science of preparing & dispensing medications
Pharmacokinetics- Study of the process of drug absorption, metabolism, distribution, and excretion
Toxicology- Study of the harmful effects on living tissue Drug- Any substance that can cause a change in function when given to a living organism
1) Therapeutic Effect- Desired or intended effect 2) Side Effects- not necessarily harmful, secondary indication for use, undesired effects 3) Adverse Effects- may be harmful, with prolonged use may cause harm to vital organs 4) Toxic Effects- implies drug poisoning, can be life threatening, drug usually stopped.
1) Site of Action- What part of body does drug work on 2) Mechanism of action-How does the drug produce it’s effect in the body 3) Agonists/Antagonists- Chemical substances that facilitate or interfere with a drug action 4) Dose- The exact amount of a drug needed to produce a specific effect
5) Response- The effect of a drug on the specific site of action, usually proportional to the amount given 6) Dose-Response curve- What effects do you have as dosage of drug is increased or decreased 7) Time Response Curve- What effects over time. Onset of action, duration of action
Chemical Name Usually long chemical name Nonproprietary shortened chemical name- GENERIC name Trade Name Also known as Brand name- given by manufacturer. Can have many different names
Prescription Legal document Instructions for pharmacist to dispense drug physician CNP PA Dentist Veterinarian Podiatrist
Non Prescription Drugs OTC Can be purchased anywhere Still carry Risks Herbal Drugs OTC Still have risks Can interfere with prescription medications
Gov’t Agency- FDA Prior to drug approval, drug must fulfill 2 requirements Efficacy- Proof of effectiveness Safety- Specific criteria as determined by extensive animal testing and controlled human testing
Most adverse effects are dose dependent Many drugs cause Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Organs sensitive to drugs Liver, Kidneys, Brain, Cardiovascular System
Tetragons- Drugs that produce Birth Defects Alcohol, Accutane, Lithium Carcinogens- Drugs that produce Cancer Idiosyncrasy- An individual reaction to a drug with an unexpected response Drug Allergy-Occurs when an individual becomes sensitized to a particular drug and produces antibodies. Subsequent administration leads to antigen-antibody reaction
Histamine is released and these symptoms can occur: Rashes Hives Itching Nasal secretions, congestion Bronchoconstriction Edema Dyspnea
Anaphylaxis Most severe allergic reaction Requires immediate response Can lead to death
Drug Name Route Dosage Frequency Time Duration
USP/NF United States Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary PDR Physicians Desk Reference Internet Sources
Study of the process of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion A.) Pharmacy B.) Pharmacokinetics C.) Pharmadynamics
Study of the action of drugs on living Tissue A.) Pharmacodynamics B.) Pharmacology C.) Toxicology
Anaphylaxis is an immediate potentially fatal reaction A.) True B.) False
Idiosyncrosy is an indivdual, predictable response to a drug A.) True B.) False
Study of Harmful effects of drugs on living tissue A.) Toxicology B.) Pharmacy C.) Poisonology