Space and Missiles Group Directors Report January ASM Trevor Sorenson, Director, SMG Tony Williams, Deputy Director – SMG Member Services
SMG Organization DIRECTOR Trevor Sorensen Deputy Director Tony Williams Deputy Director TBD Deputy Director Peter Montgomery Deputy Director Karen Barker SARTC Steven Fredrickson SCTC Narayanan, Ram… SLTC Alan Johnson SReTC Diane Linne LSSTC Andrew Jackson MSPTC Steve Tse STeTC Sven Bilen SATC Ted Hall SOSTC Jeff Laube SSTC Scott Jensen STTC Tony Taylor MSTC Amanda Horton WSETC David Lyman + RLVPC, SEPC + SSPC Gossamer Spacecraft PC
Best TC Metrics Revised new scoresheet for 2010 Awards and levels: $1000 to 1 st Place TC (2009: Space Systems TC) $750 to 2 nd Place TC (2009: Space Logistics TC ) $500 to 3 rd Place TC (2009: Weapon Systems Effectiveness TC ) $500 to Most Improved TC (2009: Space Tethers TC ) Surveys due 12/31/10, but will accept until 1/31/11. Winners announced at February SMG teleconference. 4
Exceptional Service Award Recognition for outstanding contributions from a TC member (including Chairs) Normally (but not exclusively) awarded for long-time contributions Venue for TC chairs and SMG Directors to recognize their stars Awarded as warranted – with annual calls for nominations Process highly informal and the final decision is at the discretion of the SMG Director Nomination consists of an to SMG with nomination and rationale (Address nominations to SMG Deputy Director for Member Services) TC chairs and SMG Deputy Directors may nominate at any time SMG may approve none, one, or multiple awards in a given year Three awards presented in 2010: Robert Wilson (TCM for Space 2009) Carl Ehrlich (STTC) Eric Rice (SCTC) Two awards being presented at ASM
Exceptional Service Award Grant Anderson For your dedication and service to SMG, especially in the area of Public Policy Peter Montgomery For your dedication and service to SMG, especially as the founding editor of the SMG Newsletter 6
December 31, 2010 TC Annual Report to SMG Director TC Annual Report to SMG Director TC Metrics to SMG Director TC Metrics to SMG Director Suggested changes to TC Metrics Survey by TC Chairs due to SMG Director Suggested changes to TC Metrics Survey by TC Chairs due to SMG Director January 2-7, 2011 TC Chair Training TC Chair Training TAC & BoD Meetings TAC & BoD Meetings SMG Director Report (to TAC & BoD) SMG Director Report (to TAC & BoD) January 31, 2011 TC Rosters to AIAA TC Rosters to AIAA March AIAA Congressional Visit Day AIAA Congressional Visit Day April 15, 2011 Associate Fellow Applications Due Associate Fellow Applications Due May 15, 2011 Associate Fellow Endorsements Due Associate Fellow Endorsements Due June 15, 2011 Fellow/Honorary Fellow Applications Due Fellow/Honorary Fellow Applications Due July 15, 2011 Fellow/Honorary Fellow Endorsements Due Fellow/Honorary Fellow Endorsements Due July, 2011 Nominations for BoD Due Nominations for BoD Due September Space 2011 Conference (Long Beach, CA) Space 2011 Conference (Long Beach, CA) Important Dates As Appropriate Nominations for various AIAA awards Anytime Nominations for SMG Exceptional Service Award TAC funding requests Conference & workshop proposals Conference co-sponsor requests 7
7 Deputy Director Responsibilities Member Services Awards Coordinate with TAC and HAC –Coordinate with TAC liaison to HAC regarding rules changes –Monitor all nominees for duplicates with SMG nominees Integrate within SMG –Validate TC awards processes annually –Verify TC awards processes for each award –Coordinate awards venues Education Collaborate with VP Education, VP Members, and AIAA Foundation –Deconfliction and synergy –Branding –Issue resolution (e.g. recent design competition snafu) Integrate within SMG –Coordinate course topics and venues –Develop CEU and certificate strategy Outreach – monitor and communicate initiatives Document and improve member services-related processes Report to the SMG Director Ensure all TC awards processes are compliant with HAC Ensure all TC awards processes are compliant with HAC Monitor for duplicate award winners Monitor for duplicate award winners Coordinate TC efforts with AIAA continuing education Coordinate TC efforts with AIAA continuing education Liaison for SCTC, SLTC, SARTC, SReTC Liaison for SCTC, SLTC, SARTC, SReTC
SMG Awards 8 rms/AllItems.aspx
New Online Submission form for AIAA National Awards 9
Information Technology Initiative Goal – SMG Sponsored NIS initiative to increase AIAA accessibility and improve participation by leveraging info technology Premise – Maintaining role as worlds pre-eminent aerospace society implies that we need to evolve and adapt as new communications tools are available Background – mini-survey conducted in October 2010 Ironically, technical committee meetings are often the least technical meetings you can find! Limited access to telecon, internet, shared services, etc. 10
Technology Initiative 1) set aside $5K for Space 2011 (approximately a 0.9% portion of total budget) Solicit candidate ideas for integrating technology into tech program – example – SLTC concept for webcasting sessions to students in Europe Since Space is a SMG conference, this seems to be an SMG decision 2) Provide each TC chair with Telecon and Webex account Used for TC business, including regular meetings and other working activities Basic cost for individual Webex account is $50/month, with no negotiated rates (Assume that an AIAA group package would be 1/5 of this) 3) Provide each TC with an auto-distribution list for TC members 4) Negotiate conferences based on availability of IT – telecom lines and equipment, projectors, etc. 5) Identify common TC business activities – membership lists, awards nomination process, etc. – and develop work process tools to make easier 11
SMG Products Vision and Strategic Objectives Vision SMG Products - THE standard within AIAA and beyond Strategic Objectives 1)Maintain and grow the level of technical quality of SMG supported conferences and publications 2)Preserve and transfer critical SMG technical knowledge to the next generation of engineers 3)Broaden the impact of SMG products throughout the industry 4)Accelerate the timeline for impact by leveraging the strength of the Group working together
SMG Products Updates Broaden the Impact of SMG Products SMG Products Footprint –Our SMG Products Footprint Tool has a complete list of conferences SMG supports. I need updates on our 2011 support plans from each of the TC / PC Chairs. –Our support grew last year, and Im looking for feedback on plans for additional growth this year. Special Workshops –Another workshop is planned by the SOSTC this spring reaching out to a large number of industry professionals. Last years event was very successful. –SATC held a very successful workshop in Spain following their summer conference and working with local universities. They are considering another such event in the future. –STTC has discussed possible workshop ideas, and I encourage them to hold one this year or support other TCs with their workshops this year. Young Professional Events –Another young professional event being organized for Space This event worked well in –SSTC has multiple activities with young professionals continuing into Public Policy Products –Strong SMG presence at CVD We hope this will continue in 2011 (March 15-16). –Public policy papers being discussed by several TCs with one completed recently by STTC. SMG Newsletter –Two issues released with great feedback. Keep those articles coming for our next issue!
SMG Products Updates Maintain & Grow SMG Conf. & Pubs. Technical Quality Strongly encouraging or requiring extended abstracts of words with two or three figures discussed to help with improving reviews. Several TCs have considered this approach. Id like to see a few step up to this in 2011, and I will be happy to work with you on this or any version of this approach that is acceptable to your TC / PC. Any volunteers tonight? Please take a hard look at your review processes for the 2011 conferences your TC / PCs are supporting. Lets work together to improve them as needed. Preserve Critical SMG Technical Knowledge Number of lessons learned sessions at Space 20XX have increased. Lets grow this practice to other conferences we support in SATC and STTC held lessons learned outreach events at universities near TC meetings in Lets grow this practice to more TC / PCs. Efforts to reach out to the next generation through social media implemented for Space 2010 (Facebook, Twitter, and first ever webcasts with online interaction). Lets look for more opportunities like this at our conferences in 2011.
SMG Products Updates Accelerate Impact through Increased SMG Collaboration Space 2011 conference is continuing to build on a foundation for increased TC / TC and TC / PC collaboration. Lets expand this to other conferences we support in Liaisons between RLV PC and multiple TCs have been established and are active with members attending each others meetings. Lets expand this to our other PC partners in SSTC, STTC, SATC, SOSTC, and RLV PC members have gathered at social events scheduled around the country with the purpose of meeting each other and encouraging informal sharing of best practices while looking for more opportunities to work together. Lets expand this to all SMG TC / PCs in Summary Steady progress is being made on all SMG Products strategic objectives SMG Products and Impact are steadily growing Engagement within SMG and outreach to industry is on the rise, using SMG Products as a foundation
Space and Missiles Group Products Footprint
AIAA SMG Products Footprint Purpose: Capture the current SMG footprint of supported conferences, workshops, symposiums, and publications Provide insight into gaps where SMG support could be provided in the future Provide insight into collaboration opportunities between TCs / PCs Coordinate TC / PC meeting times for optimum interaction opportunities Instructions: Indicate the type of support provided for each conference (Include everything from papers authored, papers reviewed, sessions organized and/or chaired, tracks organized and/or chaired, etc.) Add any missing conferences, workshops, etc. supported Indicate if your TC / PC met or will meet at a conference Indicate the publications your TC / PC has provided to date this year and are planning in the future
2011 Conference and Meeting Support Conference / Workshop / Symp. DatesTC / PC Supp.TC / PC MtgKey Dates to Remember Aerospace Sciences Conference Jan. 4-7, 2011 Event underway. Ground System Arch. Workshop Feb Mar. 3, 2011 Early Bird Reg. by February 6, FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conf. Feb. 9-10, 2011 Early Bird Reg. by January 10, IEEE Aerospace Conference Mar. 5-12, 2011 Early Reg. by January 24, U.S. Missile Defense Conference Mar , 2011 Directed Energy Systems Symposium Mar. 28 – Apr. 1, 2011 Early Bird Reg. by February 28, National Space Symposium Apr , 2011 Super Early by Jan. 14, Early Mar. 18. Improving Space Ops Workshop Apr. 5-6, 2011 Reinventing Space Conference May 2-6, 2011 Early Bird Reg. by March 31, 2011.
2011 Conference and Meeting Support Conference / Workshop / Symp. DatesTC / PC Supp.TC / PC MtgKey Dates to Remember Plan. & Terr. Mining Sciences Symp. June 19-22, Apr-2011 Abs. sub. deadline. Intl Conf. on Env. Systems July 17-21, Jun-2011 Man. sub. deadline. Joint Propulsion Conference July 31 - Aug. 3, July-2011 Man. sub. deadline. GNC ConferenceAug. 8-11, Jan-2011 Abs. sub. deadline. 18-Jul-2011 Man. sub. deadline. Small Satellite Conference (USU) Aug. 8-11, Feb-2011 Abs. sub. deadline. Biennial National Forum on Weapon System Effectiveness Sep , Feb-2011 Abs. sub. deadline. Space 2011 ConferenceSep , Jan-2011 Abs. sub. deadline. 06-Sep-2011 Man. sub. Deadline.
2011 Publications and Documentation Support PublicationDate Delivered / Sched. for Deliv. TC / PC Support Provided
Technology Survey 24
Survey Questions and Responses 25
Survey Questions and Responses 26 What other Non-AIAA IT resources do you routinely use in TC/PC business? Skype, , Wiki What IT resources would benefit TC/PC business? Skype, Video Conferencing, Wiki
Next Steps Explore expanding to TAC Present findings to date to TAC and AIAA Staff Explore options for telecon bridges and speaker phones Seek training opportunities on AIAA Sharepoint 27