STEM K-12 Outreach formerly Pre-College Section Report FY BCE Henrysday, xx Octember 20yy, 1n:00-1m:00
2 Highlights/Issues Several active programs. A few examples: Mordor But you CAN fly into Mordor Ultralite Design challenge 2nd Annual Engineering Month at local elementary school. Visited K through 5th classes (separately) with hands-on activities. HRS plans to post supply lists, worksheets, directions, etc. to SharePoint when time permits NB Only list/count activities like this if AIAA name is on the publicity Essay Contest for middle school (prize = week at Space Camp); High School scholarships (award = $2K) Common themes of successful programs: Partnerships with community (local school, local NASA, engineering company, science fairs…) Repeat events Often include hands-on activity Issues, Problems, and Action Items Development of Section-hosted AIAA branded programs remains slow Mechanisms to make proper use of Engineers as Educators graduates do not exist Future: Development of an interactive display for career fairs
Section Summary: Mordor Section (replicate as needed) ItemTotal Active Committee Members Total Hours Worked Total Events Supported AIAA Organized AIAA Partnered, if publicized Total Student Interactions STEM K-12 Outreach WebURL: Annual Hit Count 4
Event Summary: Fly into Mordor Ultralite Design ItemResponse 1Response 2 Name of Event Date, Duration Location AIAA Role (Circle One)AIAA OrganizedAIAA Partner, with publicity Total AIAA Volunteers Total AIAA Manhours Event WebsiteURL: Annual Hit Count Target Audience STEM Education Objective Participants: Total:Kids: Teachers:Parents: Public: 5Replicate as necessary. Only for events where AIAA participation is well publicized
6 Boromir Voronwe Mordor Section STEM/K-12 Chair Middle Earth Middle School One Shady Lane The Shire Telephone: (800) (cell)