Jose needs to fill in his part Jose needs to fill in his part Origins of Judaism
Again, Jose needs to fill in his part Again, Jose needs to fill in his part Brief History
Central Beliefs of All Jews There is one God, Adonai There is one God, Adonai The Torah is the most important document The Torah is the most important document It is important to spread Judaism and procreate because many times in history massive amounts of Jews were killed, making them almost extinct. It is important to spread Judaism and procreate because many times in history massive amounts of Jews were killed, making them almost extinct. Study is one of the highest values to all Jews Study is one of the highest values to all Jews Principle of Saving A Life: If you are in a position where you must break a law of the Torah to preserve life, it is OK to do so. Principle of Saving A Life: If you are in a position where you must break a law of the Torah to preserve life, it is OK to do so. Central Beliefs
Being a very diverse religion, there are many sects of Judaism. The 3 main sects are Reform Reform Conservative Conservative Orthodox Orthodox Although all of these sects share the same core as Jews, their beliefs vary. Central Beliefs
Reform Jews do not take a traditional approach, but a modern one as they are a modern Jewish movement. Reform Judaism
Conservative Jews place a dominant role in their religion to traditions of the past, but they may also alter these traditions to compensate for modern times. Conservative Judaism
Orthodox Judaism is the strictest sect. They uphold the traditions of the past firmly and generally do not alter tradition for modern times. Orthodox Judaism
The sacred text of Judaism is the Torah. It contains stories which teach us lessons about life and it contains the 613 twcm (Mitzvot). These are 613 actions that are the instructions for being a good Jew. Sacred text
Jews worship in temples called synagogues. Their equivalent in the Christian religion would be churches. A synagogue is where a Jew prays and can be educated about Judaism. Torahs are kept in an arc at the synagogue. Place of Worship
On the 8 th day of a baby boy’s life, he is circumcised to make his covenant with God. A similar ceremony is had for a girl, where she may be placed in a Mikvah, a ritual bath. On the 8 th day of a baby boy’s life, he is circumcised to make his covenant with God. A similar ceremony is had for a girl, where she may be placed in a Mikvah, a ritual bath. At 13 a Jewish boy or girl has a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. This marks their entry into the Jewish community as adults. At 13 a Jewish boy or girl has a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. This marks their entry into the Jewish community as adults. The Marriage ritual is called the Kiddushin. The Marriage ritual is called the Kiddushin. There are many death rituals and rules about funeral procession and mourning. There are many death rituals and rules about funeral procession and mourning. Rituals/Practices