P&E Group Aerospace Power Systems Technical Committee (APS - TC) Annual Report Input to P&E Group Meeting January 4, 2008 By Harout Ayvazian, APS TC Chair
P&E Group APS-TC Chair TC Chair Name / Contact Info: Harout Ayvazian Northrop Grumman Corporation Mail Stop West 3rd Street Azusa, CA (626) (W)
P&E Group APS-TC Membership Number of Members = 44 – 33 Full, 11 Emeritus Employers – 15 From Government – 5 From Academia – 13 From Industry Grades – 19 Members – 6 Senior Members – 8 Associate Fellows – 0 Fellow Number of Foreign Members = 0 by APS Charter – Due to the restricted nature of many of the technical topics discussed at our meetings, international membership to this TC is not actively sought Member Roster - see next page
P&E Group APS-TC Roster
P&E Group TC Operations TC has a succession plan – 2 years as Secretary, then move on to – 2 years as Vice-chair, then move on to – 2 years as Chair, then move on to – 2 years as Grand Poobah TC has Six Subcommittees – Membership – Conferences & Activities – Publications – Specifications & Standards – Education – Awards
P&E Group APS-TC Meetings Number of TC meetings this year: 3 (1 via telecom and two in person) – First meeting was held via telecom on February 14, 2008 – Second meeting was held at the Space Power Workshop on 4/22/08 – Third meeting was held at the IECEC on 7/28/08 – Fourth meeting was a telecom on November 20, 2008 Participation in AIAA national Technical Conferences: – IECEC sponsored jointly by APS and TES TCs International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), July 28-31, 2008 in Cleveland, OH and is planned for 2009 IECEC to be co-located with JPC in Denver Participation in non-AIAA conferences: – APS TC members are actively involved in the organization of the Space Power Workshop organized by the Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles, CA – TC member Margot Wasz serves on SPW Steering Committee
P&E Group Special TC Events Special Events – Space Power System Design Tutorial – Presented at 03 IECEC, 04 SPW & 04 IECEC – Instructors Robb Pinkerton, Ted Stern & Doug Allen All TC Members – Paid Registrants 7 at the 02 IECEC 8 at the 03 IECEC 16 at the 04 SPW 8 at the 04 IECEC – TC Income from Course TC Didnt Make Any Money in Previous Years as Course Was Administered by AIAA and Not Enough Registrants to Get Paid $ in 04 After TC Began to Administer Course
P&E Group APS-TC Honors & Awards 2008 Aerospace Power Systems Award – To be presented at the 2008 IECEC to Doug Allen of the Schafer Corporation of Cleveland, OH. Mr. Allen is recognized for over 25 years of pioneering efforts, vision, leadership, and expertise towards the advancement of space power systems and related technologies Aerospace Power Systems Best Paper Award – To be presented at the 2008 IECEC to Aloysius F. Hepp, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH at the 2008 IECEC – Ultra-Lightweight Hybrid Thin-Film Solar Cells: A Survey of Enabling Technologies for Space Power Applications 2008 Aerospace Power Systems Best Student Paper Award – To be presented at the 2008 IECEC to ENS Justin Langlois, USN, Annapolis, MD – Dynamic Computer Model of a Stirling Space Nuclear Power System
P&E Group TC Publication Activities Aerospace America publication Highlights article: Provided 1 page APS highlight article (by Ted Stern) Handbook: In process of creating handbook for operation of IECEC conference Newsletter: Yearly newsletter established White papers/position papers: None Books: None Journal articles: None
P&E Group TC Participation in AIAA Sections, Committees & Activities TC participation/activities with AIAA sections: – No official joint activities with local AIAA sections, however, local AIAA sections have been contacted with regard to participation/involvement in IECEC conference Standards: Large number of TC members involved in AIAA Standards activities. Substantial & active involvement in the following Standards activities: – AIAA Standard - Qualification and Quality Requirements for Space Solar Cells (S-111) – AIAA Standard - Qualification and Quality Requirements for Space Solar Panels (S-112) – AIAA Standard - Electrical Power Systems for Unmanned Spacecraft (S-122) – APS TC members are part of an international committee trying to create an ISO standard on solar cells and panels. – APS TC members are involved with reviewing Aerospace Battery Qualification Standard TOR-2007(8583)-1. – APS TC committee members are currently and actively involved in modifications to AIAA Standards (S & S headed by Henry Brandhorst, and S122 headed by Winnie Choy) Education: – APS TC puts together the Aerospace Power Systems course, held annually at the Space Power Workshop – APS TC has generated a draft Education Charter and is being reviewed by TC for release. Policy: One TC member emeritus (Doug Allen) is involved in this committee
P&E Group APS-TC 2008 Significant Accomplishments The Aerospace Power Systems Technical Committee has been extremely busy and involved over the past year with various activities. A major activity has been the operation and the long-range planning of the IECEC, which included a decision to co-locate with the JPC in 2009 and involving other. The IECEC is jointly organized with the Terrestrial Energy Systems TC and is the major conference for the APS Technical Committee since it is one of the few conferences that addresses the breadth of aerospace power system technologies covered by this TC. The TC provided substantial organizational and technical support for the IECEC this year. The other major accomplishment by this TC has been its involvement in the development of various standards for the aerospace community. Significant work over the past year was put into the committee to establish and complete AIAA Standard S-122: Electrical Power Systems for Unmanned Spacecraft. Earlier involvement in the AIAA Standards S and S on Solar Cell and Array Qualification and Quality Requirements now has many APS TC members involved in meetings to discuss clarification and possible changes to these documents in response to comments from industry/Government. The TC has also been asked to participate in revising a 1978 AIAA Position Paper on Solar Power Satellites. This request is currently being evaluated by the committee.