Nicholas Sparks
Born in Omaha, Nebraska December 31,1965 Micah and Danielle July 1989 He married Cathy He has 5 children He wrote 16 novels 7 of them are now movies
Characters Ronnie- Main Character Will- Boy at the beach Blaze- Ronnie’s friend Marcus- Bad boy/Blaze’s boyfriend Steve- Ronnie’s Dad Jonah- Ronnie’s Little brother
Protagonist The Protagonist in this book would be Ronnie 1. She is the main character in the book 2. She solves many problems 3. She becomes more down to earth
Antagonist The main person that is trying to bring Ronnie down would be Blaze. She is a very bad influence to Ronnie. For example Blaze and Ronnie were shopping and Blaze stole Something a put it in Ronnie’s Bag so it looked like Ronnie Stole it. Blaze wanted Ronnie to go back to jail.
Favorite Character Will 1. Will is a very nice guy. 2. He is very popular. 3. Every body loves him.
Least Favorite Character Marcus He is a bad person Trouble maker
Exposition Ronnie and Jonah live with their mom in New York. Her parents are divorced, because her dad cheated on her mom. Ronnie hasn’t talk to her dad for a long time because she is mad at what he did to her mom. Her mom makes her and her little brother go visit their dad for the summer.
Rising Action She meets this boy named Will. She is starting to have a better relationship with her dad. She is starting to have a good time.
Climax They find a Loggerhead Turtle’s nest Her dad starts coughing up blood
Falling Action Her dad gets sick with Stomach cancer Ronnie and Will break up Ronnie Finishes the piano composition that her dad started
Resolution Ronnie Moves back to New York Ronnie auditions for Julliard and is accepted She receives and unexpected visit from Will and he is going to go to college there in New York, so he can be with Ronnie.
Setting Tybee Island, Georgia (small beach town)
Rating of the book I would rate this book a 10 because it can relate to our lives in so many ways and it was really inspiring.
Themes Sickness Fitting in with the wrong group of friends Saving animals
Poem Can you tuck me into bed mama? Don't forget to kiss me goodnight. Can you tell me a story mama, Before you turn out the lights? Can you kiss my forehead mama, Like you used to do before? Can you at least tell me you love me mama, Before you close the bedroom door? Why don't you wanna talk to me mama? I miss the sound of your voice. Mama, can you please say somethin'? I guess if you don't, it's your choice. But mama, I have to tell you somethin'... Even though you're quiet mama, I know what you're goin' through. I understand why you cry now mama, Cause I'm hurtin' too.
Continued.. Why'd you have to leave us daddy? I still had some growin' up to do. Did we somehow make you mad daddy? Or, were we not good enough for you? Do you know that mama cries at night daddy? I think it's cause she sleeps alone. Daddy, can you please call the house tonight, Cause mama is waitin' by the phone. You know mama still loves you daddy? But I hate you for what you done. you put tears in mama's eyes, daddy. And in the eyes of YOUR son. I thought you said you'd never leave daddy? You said we'd be pals, you and me. But, you broke your promise daddy. (Cumberbatch)
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Divorce Affects their kids Depression Feel like its their fault Confused
Cheating The other spouse They thought everything was good in their relationship They have to start over They feel like they weren’t good enough
Marriage Counseling Studies have shown that marriage counseling really helps if you want to make your relationship work
Bibliography Amato, P. R. (1993). Children's adjustment to divorce: Theories, hypotheses, and empirical support. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55 Amato, P. R. (1999). Children of divorce parents as young adults. In E. M. Hetherington (Ed.), Coping with divorce, single parenting, and remarriage (pp ). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Amato, P. R. (2001). Children and divorce in the 1990s: An update of the Amato and Keith (1991) meta-analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 15, Amato, P.R. (1994). Life-span adjustment of children to their parents' divorce. The Future of Children, 4, Available from: d=75582 Adam T. Cumberbatch. Question, threw the eyes of a child. Copyright Amato, P. R., & Keith, B. (1991). Parental divorce and the well-being of children: A meta- analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 110, Crowder, K., & Teachman, J. (2004). Do residential conditions explain the relationship between living arrangements and adolescent behavior? Journal of Marriage and Family, 66,