WELCOME! My name is _____ I teach at: _____ I’ve taught for _____ years. My item is _____, and it represents me because_____.
UTAH CORE STANDARDS The Standards for English Language Arts K-5 Anchor Standards Progression from grade to grade The Appendices for the Standards Tab Critical pages!
LITERACY INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES Turn to page 7 in the core. Read paragraph 1 “They Demonstrate Independence” Underline key phrases that describe what students will be doing Share with your neighbor the three you feel are most important and discuss whether or not you agree
CLOSE READING Standards, page 12 “Close Reading in Elementary Classrooms” Read pages Prepare to summarize your section for your reading partners. Underline key words and phrases that provide information about what students should be doing the first time they read a text. 182-Modifying Close Reading – Frontloading Frontloading Text Dependent Questions 186-end of the article
INSTRUCTIONAL SHIFTS IN THE NEW STANDARDS 1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 2. Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language
FRONTLOADING More instructional time spent outside the text means less time inside the text. Departing from the text in classroom discussion privileges only those who already have experience with the topic. It is easier to talk about our experiences than to analyze the text—especially for students reluctant to engage with reading. The Utah Core Standards are College and Career Readiness Standards.
THREE TYPES OF TEXT-DEPENDENT QUESTIONS Questions that assess themes and central ideas Questions that assess knowledge of vocabulary, meaning, and structure Questions that assess understanding of the author’s claims/argument or relationship to another text 8
NON-EXAMPLES AND EXAMPLES 9 In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out. Describe a time when you failed at something. In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King discusses nonviolent protest. Discuss, in writing, a time when you wanted to fight against something that you felt was unfair. In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? What makes Casey’s experiences at bat humorous? What can you infer from King’s letter about the letter that he received? “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? Not Text-DependentText-Dependent
CREATING TEXT-DEPENDENT QUESTIONS 11 Step One: Identify the core understandings and key ideas of the text. Step Two: Start with level 1 questions that target specific content and details to build confidence. Step Three: Move to level 2 questions. Target vocabulary and text structure : have students think about how the information is conveyed. Step Four: Ask them level 3 questions: what does the author want you to believe, how do you know that, and is there evidence? Step Five: Create the culminating assessment.