Space Environmental Systems Program Committee (SESPC) ICES Meeting 17 July 2011 Dr. Paul M. McElroy Director, Structures & Materials Touchstone Research Laboratory, Ltd. Triadelphia, WV
2 Objective This is an open discussion Currently, our committee is focused exclusively on the ICES conference Outside of ICES, what our committee does will depend on you, the members
3 AIAA SESPC - Membership Roster McElroy, Paul (Chairman) Adamson, Gary Alloca, Robert Behrens, Burkhard Birur, Gajanana Brambati, Gualtiero Briet, Richard Briggs, Brian Chambliss, Joe Farmer, Jeff Ferrero, Andrea Gasbarre, Joseph Grob, Eric Hall, Jack Helms, Richard Leimkuehler, Tom McBarron, Jim Nikanpour, Darius OConnor, Brian Ousley, Wes Pin, Olivier Rodriguez, Jose Roman, Jose Stephan, Ryan Szigetvari, Zoltan Teti, Nicholas Wasson, David Winton, Dale Additions?
4 What are Space Environmental Systems? Technical areas of interest related to humans living and working in hostile environments with applications inside or outside of terrestrial or outer space habitats or vehicles · Aerospace Human Factors · Environmental Control and Life-support System Technology · Environmental Monitoring And Controls · Planetary Protection · EVA System Technology · Life Sciences · Planetary Habitats and Systems · Thermal Control Systems Technology for Both Manned and Unmanned Vehicles
5 Proposed Charter - Scope The AIAA Space Environmental Systems Program Committee (AIAA SESPC) will develop, collect, and help disseminate information of value relative to the design, manufacture, maintenance, and testing of environmental/ thermal control systems and components for aircraft?, spacecraft, planetary and interplanetary missions
6 Proposed Charter - Objectives The AIAA SESPC will promote the development and use of Environmental Systems technology by fostering understanding of environmental/ thermal control components and systems · for aircraft, spacecraft, and planetary missions among policy makers · among space systems designers and technologists The AIAA SESPC promotes the encouragement of the improvement of environmental/ thermal control technology by supporting technical interchange among universities, government agencies, and industry The AIAA SESPC committee works to improve education pertaining to Environmental Systems and related technical fields The AIAA SESPC is an advocate for technical excellence in mission analyses, system optimization, trade studies, and economic assessments
7 Proposed Charter - Activities We are integrated into AIAA as of January 2011 Sponsoring or co-sponsoring the yearly International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) conference sessions and student poster competitions The SESPC supports the concept of strategic alignment of ICES with other AIAA conferences and will work with our ICES partners and other appropriate conferences to determine potential arrangements for future conferences that are held in the United States Encourage technical interchange among companies, government agencies, and universities to advance Environmental Systems technology, standards, and systems integration
8 Proposed Charter – Activities (cont) Establish liaisons with other technical societies with related interests Ensure an active membership that is representative of the Environmental Systems community Honor technical contributors through awards, nominations for AIAA Fellow, and recommendations for member upgrades Bring together the appropriate technical disciplines represented within various technical committees within AIAA Facilitate the review and publishing of Environmental Systems articles Conduct educational and public policy outreach activities to further promote interest in Environmental Systems science and engineering
9 Ongoing Activity Plan for 2011 – Annual ICES Conference AIAA SESPC Responsibilities: Assist the development of sessions for the AIAA ICES (See guidelines noted on AIAA SESPC website) Organize committee for selecting the best Environmental Systems paper presented at the ICES conference, and notify AIAA Honors and Awards focal of selection (See Selection Criteria document on AIAA SESPC website) Organize Environmental Systems Student Poster Sessions at AIAA ICES conference Conduct one or two AIAA sponsored short courses at AIAA ICES conference · Space Environment and its Effects on Space Systems – July 16-17, 2011
10 Ongoing Activity Plan for 2011 – Short Course Key Topics Space Environment and its Effects on Space Systems · Jul 2011 Conference (sessions) Registration Included!! Portland, OR Held in conjunction with the AIAA International Conference on Environmental Systems, Instructor Led Training Key Topics History of spacecraft failures and overview of risk management, failure analyses, and reliability and quality assurance Overview of the near-Earth and interplanetary environment Overview of the risks due to sputtering, atomic oxygen, ultraviolet degradation, space plasma, neutral atmosphere, radiation, meteoroids and orbital debris, charging, surface contamination, effusion, and planetary protection Several online programs are illustrated that can be used to perform some of the assessments
11 AIAA SESPC Website Demonstration & Discussion AIAA SESPC website and calendar is active Documents can be uploaded and viewed to all committee members that have access to the site The website will be repository for all pertinent committee documents, presentations and newsletters The website is an efficient way to communicate with committee members Chairman envisions the website coupled with video conferencing (evaluation in process) will be main community access outside of personal meetings
12 Proposed Charter – Organization Chair, Vice-Chair (Chair-elect), and Appointed Subcommittee Positions · Membership Subcommittee (AIAA Required) · Conferences and Workshops Subcommittee · Publications and Website Subcommittee · Education and Outreach Subcommittee · External Affairs/Public Policy Subcommittee · Awards Subcommittee Election here? Or, by if running late
13 Space Environmental Systems PC Name Concern has been expressed about possible confusion between Space Environmental Systems PC and Atmospheric and Space Environments TC Key rationale supporting the name recommendation: · While the words space and environments/environmental are contained in both names, there is clearly very key differences between environmental systems for spacecraft and the environment of space This is similar to the wide use of propulsion in the P&E group · No suitable alternative was found to eliminate environmental term in SES without removing its historical constituency · As a PC, there is less likelihood of confusion Discussion here; finish by if running late