B lack M erchant B lack M erchant Organize….Plan your Finances Organize….Plan your Finances.


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Presentation transcript:

B lack M erchant B lack M erchant Organize….Plan your Finances Organize….Plan your Finances

Which is the activity we spend most of the time in our life? Study No With Family & friends No Leisure No Earning money Yes

What is the basic objective of our life? What is the basic objective of our life? Earning sufficient money for…… Meeting daily needs Meeting daily needs Child education Child education Medical bills Medical bills Emergencies Emergencies

Why do we save? Children higher education Children marriage Children marriage House House Car Car Wants Wants Retirement Retirement

Where do we save? Provident fund Post office Post office National Saving certificates National Saving certificates Fixed deposits Fixed deposits Insurance Insurance Mutual Funds Mutual Funds Gold Gold Property Property Equity Equity

When everybody is investing money in all these instruments for years together……….

Are we able to achieve our goals? Without any stress? To give higher education to our children Paying medical bills Paying medical bills To live happy retirement life

Are we able to achieve our goals? To give higher education to our children No Paying medical bills No Paying medical bills No To live happy retirement life No To live happy retirement life No

Is our money earning for us? No No

Then how & where to invest money? To make Money

When we always buy the best policies and scheme…. Why there is no change in our life in spite of lots of investments?

Which is the better way you feel? Work hard & keep on investing more and more money. Or Or Plan your finances, and achieve goals

Which is the better way you feel? Plan your self Or Or Get it planned by professionals

What do you expect from a Financial Advisor? Sound Knowledge Good track record of services Independent Working Has a basket of all types of products & Most important Most important has a will to understand….. you more then………….. selling Products

Do you have a person whom you can call…… Whenever you have money & Whenever you need money

B lack M erchant B lack M erchant Personal Financial Advisor

B lack M erchant We plan We organize your Finance We organize your Finance

B lack M erchant We analyze We design solution We design solution

B lack M erchant In your Budget Which is always changing Which is always changing

B lack M erchant We help you achieve goals by by Planning again & again Planning again & again

B lack M erchant Making it sure that, we both know Where are we and and Where are we suppose to go Where are we suppose to go

B lack M erchant Working on Fundamentals Crosschecking periodically Crosschecking periodically

B lack M erchant Because, We feel Planned person will always grow faster then others Not the policies /schemes but the markets gives returns.

B lack M erchant Wealth is not an end. Neither is it a beginning. Wealth is a process, a journey. A journey of power, achievement and responsibility. At Black Merchant we ensure that this journey continues and grows.

B lack M erchant Welcome To The Financial World Of Black Merchant

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