AIAA Central Florida Section Council Meeting Randy Allen, Chair 12 April 2011
2 Agenda Upcoming events Subcommittee updates Action items
3 Upcoming Events April/May Reminders Nominate members for Fellow and Associate Fellow Associate Fellow nominations due 15 April Associate Fellow references due 15 May Fellow nominations due 15 June Fellow references due 15 July August is for Aerospace / September is for Students High school rocket competition at LMMFC (Glenn/Andrew) Water rockets ( Estimate aerodynamics and propulsion Assign a launch elevation at competition Whoever predicts CEP closest wins Top science person at Orange Co/Seminole Co high school
4 Upcoming Events Future Presentations/Presenters How organizations depend upon engineering Jerry Lutz Deputy CNO Aviation Stan Arthur Airframe vibration, active damping, and measurement systems Andrew Joslin to find speaker (Michelle Amos from KSC, ) Buddy Sessoms Piper jet (UCF grad) Helo pilot Sheriffs Dept
5 Subcommittees UCF (Yunjun Xu/Jose Castillo) Manuel Robayo – provided feedback re: presentation for the student competition Eric Leavitt – Rockoon (update next month) Lee Todd – Heavy Lift flight test (YouTube) November – senior design reviews February – student paper/presentation reviews UF (Rick Lind/Jason Panzarino) November – senior design reviews February – student paper/presentation reviews Pre-College (Jerry Lutz) N/A
6 Subcommittees Career & Workforce Development (Jerry Lutz) N/A Communications (Brent York) N/A Education (Glenn Gebert) Job shadowing at Lockheed-Martin Honors and Awards (Andrew Joslin) Membership upgrades Glenn Gebert, Clint Plaisted, and Brent York (Assoc Fellow) Jim McBrayer and Jerry Lutz (Fellow) Service awards Professional awards Academic awards
7 Subcommittees Membership (Aaron Blevins) 655 Professional (303), Student (255), Educators Associates (97) Educators Associate Membership Drive Need to target a larger group, possibly target the educator population directly? Look into a more personal form of contact. Hand addressed mailed letter? Membership Education Meeting Planning an AIAA membership resource education meeting during 2nd quarter 2011 We are in the 2nd quarter and need to look into preparing an AIAA CFS meeting/ event (the membership education material is not sufficient to solicit enough attendance to be effective.) Membership welcome kit/packet Added message to main CFS Share Point Page to direct new members to this folder
8 Subcommittees Programs (Gino Bonfanti) Space Shuttle Discovery (Natalie Yacoub) F-35 simulator (Bruce Scott) Public Policy (Randy Allen) N/A Technical (Clint Plaisted) N/A Young Professionals (Tom Bargnesi) Scholarship application
9 Action Items Ideas for next year Connecting high school to college Connecting college to industry