Performance Characteristics of a Cosmology Package on Leading HPC Architectures Leonid Oliker Julian Borrill, Jonathan Carter Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
Overview Superscalar cache-based architectures dominate HPC market Leading architectures are commodity-based SMPs due to generality and perception of cost effectiveness Growing gap between peak & sustained performance is well known in scientific computing Modern parallel vectors may bridge gap this for many important applications In April 2002, the Earth Simulator (ES) became operational: Peak ES performance > all DOE and DOD systems combined Demonstrated high sustained performance on demanding scientific apps Conducting evaluation study of scientific applications on modern vector systems 09/2003 MOU between ES and NERSC was completed First visit to ES center: Dec 2003, second visit Oct 2004 (no remote access) First international team to conduct performance evaluation study at ES Examining best mapping between demanding applications and leading HPC systems - one size does not fit all
Vector Paradigm High memory bandwidth Allows systems to effectively feed ALUs (high byte to flop ratio) Flexible memory addressing modes Supports fine grained strided and irregular data access Vector Registers Hide memory latency via deep pipelining of memory load/stores Vector ISA Single instruction specifies large number of identical operations Vector architectures allow for: Reduced control complexity Efficiently utilize large number of computational resources Potential for automatic discovery of parallelism However: most effective if sufficient regularity discoverable in program structure Suffers even if small % of code non-vectorizable (Amdahl’s Law)
Architectural Comparison Node TypeWhere CPU/ Node Clock MHz Peak GFlop Mem BW GB/s Peak byte/flop Netwk BW GB/s/P Bisect BW byte/flop MPI Latency usec Network Topology Power3NERSC Fat-tree Power4ORNL Fat-tree AltixORNL Fat-tree ESESC Crossbar X1ORNL D-torus Custom vector architectures have High memory bandwidth relative to peak Superior interconnect: latency, point to point, and bisection bandwidth Another key balance point is I/O performance: Seaborg I/O: 16 GFPS servers, each w/ 32 GB main memory (for caching & metadata) I/O uses switch fabric, sharing bandwidth with message-passing traffic ES I/O: Each group 16 nodes has a pool of RAID disks attached with fiber channel switch (each node has a separate filesystem)
Previous ES visit Tremendous potential of vector architectures: 4 codes running faster than ever before Vector systems allows resolution not possible with scalar arch (regardless of # procs) Opportunity to perform scientific runs at unprecedented scale Evaluation codes contain sufficient regularity in computation for high vector performance However, none of the tested codes contained significant I/O requirements Code (P=64) % peak(P=Max avail) Speedup ES vs. Pwr3Pwr4AltixESX1Pwr3Pwr4AltixX1 LBMHD7%5%11%58%37% CACTUS6%11%7%34%6% GTC9%6%5%20%11% PARATEC57%33%54%58%20% Average
The Cosmic Microwave Background The CMB is a snapshot of the Universe when it first became neutral 400,000 years after the Big Bang. After Big Bang the expansion of space cooled Universe sufficiently for charged electrons and neutrons to combine Cosmic - primordial photons filling all of space. Microwave - redshifted by the expansion of the Universe from 3000K to 3K. Background - coming from “behind” all astrophysical sources.
CMB Science The CMB is a unique probe of the very early Universe. Tiny fluctuations in its temperature & polarization encode - the fundamental parameters of cosmology Universe geometry, expansion rate, number of neutrino species, ionization history, dark matter, cosmological constant - ultra-high energy physics beyond the Standard Model
CMB analysis moves from the time domain - observations - O(10 12 ) to the pixel domain - maps - O(10 8 ) to the multipole domain - power spectra - O(10 4 ) calculating the compressed data and their reduced error bars at each step. CMB Data Analysis
MADCAP: Performance Porting: ScaLAPACK plus rewrite of Legendre polynomial recursion, such that large batches are computed in inner loop Original ES visit: only partially ported due to code’s requirements of global file system Could not meet minimum parallelization and vectorization thresholds for ES All systems sustain relatively low % peak considering MADCAP’s BLAS3 ops Detailed analysis presented HiPC 2004 Further work performed for MADbench to: reduce I/O, remove system calls, and remove global file system requirements New results collected from recent ES visit October 2004 P Power 3Power4ESX1 Gflops/P%peakGflops/P%peakGflops/P%peakGflops/P%peak %1.529%4.132%2.227% %0.8116%1.923%2.016%
IPM Overview Integrated Performance Monitoring portable, lightweight, scalable profiling fast hash method profiles MPI topology profiles code regions open source MPI_Pcontrol(1,”W”); …code… MPI_Pcontrol(-1,”W”); ########################################### # IPMv0.7 :: csnode tasks ES/ESOS # madbench.x (completed) 10/27/04/14:45:56 # # (sec) # # … ############################################### # W # (sec) # # # call [time] %mpi %wall # MPI_Reduce 2.395e # MPI_Recv 9.625e # MPI_Send 2.708e # MPI_Testall 7.310e # MPI_Isend 2.597e ############################################### …
Is a lightweight version of the MADCAP maximum likelihood CMB power spectrum estimation code. Retains the operational complexity & integrated system requirements of the full science code. Has three basic steps - dSdC, invD & W. Out of core calculation: holds approx 3 of the 50 matrices in memory Is used for - computer & file-system procurements. - realistic scientific code benchmarking and optimization. - architectural comparisons. MADbench
This step generates a set of N b dense, symmetric N p xN p signal correlation derivative matrices dSdC b by Lengendre polynomial recursion. Each matrix is block-cyclic distributed over the 2D processor array with blocksize B. As each matrix is calculated, each processor writes its subset of the matrix elements to a unique file. No inter-processor communication is required. Flops: O(N 2 P ) Disk: 8N b N 2 p (primarily writing) dSdC
This step generates the data correlation matrix D and inverts it. The dSdC b matrices are read from disk one at a time and progressively accumulated to build the signal correlation matrix S. A diagonal white noise correlation matrix N is added to S to give the data correlation matrix D, which is inverted using ScaLAPACK to give D -1. Each processor writes its subset of the D -1 matrix elements to a unique file. Flops: O(N 3 P ) Disk: 8N b N 2 p (primarily reading) invD
This step multiplies each dSdC b matrix by D -1 to form W b and derives a Newton-Raphson iterative step from this. Since they are independent, these matrix multiplications can be carried out gang-parallel across N g gangs of processors. Each dSdC b matrix is read in by all processors and then redistributed to the target gang. When all gangs have been given a matrix, they all perform their multiplication simultaneously. Flops: O(N 3 P ) Disk: 8N b N 2 p (primarily reading) W
N p - number of pixels (matrix size). N b - number of bins (matrix count). N g - number of gangs of processors. B - ScaLAPACK blocksize. MOD IO - IO concurrency control (only 1 in MOD IO processors do IO simultaneously). Running on P processors requires: - 3 x 8 x N p 2 bytes of memory per gang - N b x 8 x N p 2 bytes & N b x P inodes of disk - N b a multiple of N g to load-balance the gangs. B & MOD IO are architecture-specific optimizations. Parameters
dSdC performance ES shows constant I/O performance (independent disks) Significantly fast computation (30X) due to high memory bandwidth Overall only 2.6X faster than Power3 due to I/O overhead Power3 has faster write I/O until GPFS contention at P=1024
invD performance I/O remains relatively constant, while MPI overhead and computation grows Seaborg I/O reads faster than ES Overall ES only 2.3X faster
W performance Multi-gang runs significantly reduce MPI overhead (4.8X on ES, 3.3X on Seaborg) MPI and CALC grow with numbers of processors I/O trivial part of W calculation Overall ES is 7X faster
Performance overview Overall ES 5.6X faster & slightly higher % of peak compared w/ Seaborg for P=1024 For P=256 Seaborg shows higher % peak, due to relative I/O vs. peak flop performance Although I/O cost remains relatively high, both systems achieve over 50% peak
Overview New version of Madbench successfully reduced I/O overhead and removed global file system requirements Allowed ES runs up to 1024 processors, achieving over 50% of peak Compared with only 23% of peak on 64 processors from first visit Results show that I/O has more effect on ES than Seaborg - due to ratio between I/O performance and peak ALU speed Demonstrated IPM capabilities to measure MPI overhead on variety of architectures without the need to recompile, at a trivial runtime overhead (1-2%) Continue study of complex interplay between architecture, interconnect, and I/O Currently performing experiments on Columbia and Phoenix MADbench and IPM being prepared for public distribution Future CMB analysis will require sparse methods due to size of data sets - potentially at odds with vector architectures