Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee T.C. Overview as of 7/30/2012 TC Liaisons EP – Mike Patterson, TBD P&C - TBD External Austria - Dr. Jocem Hauser Italy – Dr. C. Bruno T.C. Chair Chris Y Taylor Phone: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect TBD by JPC 2013 Phone: Secretary/Treasurer TBD / Dr. Brice Cassenti Best Paper Awards Dr. Brice Cassenti Continuing Education Bryan Palaszewski General Awards Peter Badzey Membership Robert Frisbee Publications Gregory Meholic Technical Programs TBD, Bryan P. Webmaster Bryan P. TC Members 36 Total 31 Regular 2 Associate 3 International Category 15 Industry (41%) 11 Academia (31%) 10 Government (28%) International members 1 Geneva 1 Liverpool 1 Hamburg Subcommittees
Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee T.C. Activities as of 7/30/2012 Recent Conference Performance Issues / Help Needed JPC 2011 Abstracts Received: 20 Abstracts Accepted: 20 Sessions: 7 Withdrawals/No-Shows: 3 Very few abstract submitted for VERY advanced propulsion of the JPC 2011, but still many in nuclear thermal propulsion, nuclear power, fusion, etc. Fostering members to present additional papers. Need to better understand New Event Model and be prepared to increase participation in Space and Astronautics Forum. Determine new ways to support Space and Astronautics Forum in addition to JPC under the New Event Model, and help propulsion customers better understand nuclear propulsion advantages. Will make better use of internet, telecons Webex, etc.for additional TC communications and energy. JPC 2012 appears to have better performance than 2011, with 8 sessions expected. Investigate ways to better use internet, web video, etc. to reach out to younger engineers and students. Bryan Palaszewski received plaque at latest TC meeting for his service to TC as Chairman. Received pat on the back for his continuing outreach to students and his chairing the voting board for the latest Wyld award. Initiatives & Plans
Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion