Global Trends & Forecasts, 2012 Planet Retail Ltd | November 2011 The top 5 trends driving international retail strategies By Matthew Stych and Rob Gregory
2 Matthew Stych Research Director This report provides an overview of the hottest trends in global retailing and examines how these trends may affect the global retail scene in 2012 and beyond. All images ©Planet Retail Ltd unless otherwise stated. Global Trends & Forecasts, 2012 Robert Gregory Global Research Director
3 Contents 1.The retail sector in 2011 and Key trends i.Multi-channel as winning channel ii.Big plans for small stores iii.Shopper engagement iv.Private label endorsement v.E-commerce as the future of internationalisation 3.Summary
5 Forecasts globally have been revised downwards as uncertainty reigns. GDP growth forecasts may be downgraded further as conditions in Europe worsen. Emerging markets grow in importance as developed markets hit hardest. X The retail sector in 2011 and Note: f - forecast Source: Planet Retail