Students with Special Needs What do I do now? Dr. Jeff Allen & Christine Holecek Business & Marketing Conference July 25-29, 2005
Special Education Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Disability Categories Autism Mental Retardation Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Other Health Impairments Emotional Disturbance Speech or Language Impairments A Specific Learning Disability Orthopedic Impairments Traumatic Brain Injury Multiple Disabilities Deaf-Blindness Deafness
Buzz Words LRE: Least Restrictive Environment—In your classroom you will find a wide array of students: General Education, Section 504, and Special Education (regular class room is the first consideration) IEP: Individual Educational Plans BIP: Behavior Intervention Plans MODS: Modifications Section 504: Rehabilitation Act 1973
Serving Students with Special Needs Autism Mental Retardation Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Other Health Impairments Emotional Disturbance Speech or Language Impairments A Specific Learning Disability Orthopedic Impairments Traumatic Brain Injury Multiple Disabilities Deaf-Blindness Deafness 504 ADDADHD DyslexiaConduct Disorder Substance AbuseIdentity Disorder DepressionAlcoholism SuicidalTB EncopresisAsthma EnuresisDystmia AIDS/HIVDiabetes
ComparisonIDEASection 504 PurposeTo ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a FAPE (Free And Public Education) To prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in any program receiving public funds Who is ProtectedStudents who are eligible under the 13 categories of qualifying conditions Much broader “qualified handicapped person” Parents are also protected Procedural SafeguardsComprehensive Notice IEP Required Re-evaluation every 3 years Due Process-SEA Responsible General and Individual Notice Individual Service Agreement Periodic Re-Evaluation Due Process-LEA Responsible ResponsibilitySpecial Education DirectorSection 504 Coordinator EnforcementOSEP(Office of Spec. Ed)/SEA(State Ed.Agency) OCR—Office of Civil Rights FundingPartial FundingNo Funding Difference between IDEA & 504
Individualized Education Program (IEP) By law, the IEP must include certain information about the child and the educational program designed to meet his or her unique needs. In a nutshell, this information is: –Current performance –Annual goals –Special education and related services –Participation with nondisabled children –Participation in state and district-wide tests –Dates and places –Transition service needs –Needed transition services –Age of majority –Measuring progress
ARD: Annual Review and Dismissal Committee Parent Regular Education Teacher Special Education Teacher or Service Provider Someone who can interpret the instructional implications of the assessment data Representative of the school district Others who, in the judgment of the parent or the school, have special knowledge or expertise When appropriate, the student
Primary Functions of ARD IEP Team (ARD is a Texas Term) Develop the students IEP Decide on placement Meet at least yearly
Independent School District Please check with your special education department to get the specific rules and regulations regarding modification of your instruction. There are a multitude of rules and regulations regarding documentation and confidentiality of students receiving special education services.
For More Information Dr. Jeff Allen Christine Holecek Office of Special Education Programs Federal Agency with responsibility for the implementation of IDEA