Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee T.C. Overview as of 12/07/2011 TC Liaisons EP – Mike Patterson, TBD P&C - TBD External Austria - Dr. Jocem Hauser Italy – Dr. C. Bruno T.C. Chair Bryan Palaszewski Phone: Vice Chair/Chair-Elect TBD by ASM 2012 Phone: Secretary/Treasurer TBD / Dr. Brice Cassenti Phone: Best Paper Awards Dr. Brice Cassenti Continuing Education Bryan Palaszewski General Awards TBD Membership TBD Publications TBD Technical Programs TBD, Bryan P. Webmaster Bryan P. TC Members 47 Total – 34 Regular – 0 Associate – 13 International Category – 11 Industry (23 %) – 27 Academia (57%) – 9 Government (20%) International members –1 Australia –1 Italy –1 Germany –1 Switzerland –1 United Kingdom 5 Rotated Off – 5 Regular – 0 Associates – 0 International Subcommittees
Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee T.C. Activities as of 12/07/2011 Recent Conference Performance Abstracts Received: xx Abstracts Accepted: xx Sessions: x Withdrawals/No-Shows: x Issues / Help Needed ASM 2011JPC 2011 Abstracts Received: 20 Abstracts Accepted: 20 Sessions: 7 Withdrawals/No-Shows: 3 Very few abstract submitted for VERY advanced propulsion of the JPC 2011, but still many in nuclear thermal propulsion, nuclear power, fusion, etc. Fostering members to present additional papers. Accomplishments SC rosters defined completely; members engaged! Recruitment efforts have resulted in 7 new member nominations. Collaborating with NETS 2010 and 2011 (replacement conference for STAIF,nuclear systems conference, Albuquerque, NM) Collaboration with xx 4 new teams involved in 2010/11 competition so far Taught 2-day Professional Development Short Course on NFFP at NASA Johnson Space Center. Continue to present 20 to 50 times a year to pre-K, K-12, and adult audiences with NASA Speakers Bureau. Collaboration with Cleveland Technical Society Council (outreach, awards, etc.). Reformulating solar electric propulsion presentations, supporting 2-day Professional Development Short Course on NFFP at NASA Johnson Space Center. These course requests were done on short notice (1 month). Will initiate telecons Webex, etc.for additional TC communications and energy Initiatives & Plans Financial Status and Other Activities xxxxx
Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion